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Помогите Игроки не могут писать /sethome

Тема в разделе "Помощь", создана пользователем Mothersyaka, 28 июн 2015.

  1. Автор темы

    Mothersyaka Участник

    Пишет когда напишешь /sethome Ошибка: null. Раньше такого небыло.
    Вот конфиг:

    # +------------------------------------------------------+ #
    # | Notes | #
    # +------------------------------------------------------+ #

    # If you want to use special characters in this document, such as accented letters, you MUST save the file as UTF-8, not ANSI.
    # If you receive an error when Essentials loads, ensure that:
    # - No tabs are present: YAML only allows spaces
    # - Indents are correct: YAML hierarchy is based entirely on indentation
    # - You have "escaped" all apostrophes in your text: If you want to write "don't", for example, write "don''t" instead (note the doubled apostrophe)
    # - Text with symbols is enclosed in single or double quotation marks

    # If you have problems join the Essentials help support channel: http://tiny.cc/EssentialsChat

    # +------------------------------------------------------+ #
    # | Essentials (Global) | #
    # +------------------------------------------------------+ #

    # A color code between 0-9 or a-f. Set to 'none' to disable.
    ops-name-color: '4'

    # The character(s) to prefix all nicknames, so that you know they are not true usernames.
    nickname-prefix: '~'

    # Disable this if you have any other plugin, that modifies the displayname of a user.
    change-displayname: true

    # When this option is enabled, the (tab) player list will be updated with the displayname.
    # The value of change-displayname (above) has to be true.
    #change-playerlist: true

    # When essentialschat.jar isnt used, force essentials to add the prefix and suffix from permission plugins to displayname
    # This setting is ignored if essentialschat.jar is used, and defaults to 'true'
    # The value of change-displayname (above) has to be true.
    # Do not edit this setting unless you know what you are doing!
    #add-prefix-suffix: false

    # The delay, in seconds, required between /home, /tp, etc.
    teleport-cooldown: 0

    # The delay, in seconds, before a user actually teleports. If the user moves or gets attacked in this timeframe, the teleport never occurs.
    teleport-delay: 0

    # The delay, in seconds, a player can't be attacked by other players after they have been teleported by a command
    # This will also prevent the player attacking other players
    teleport-invulnerability: 4

    # The delay, in seconds, required between /heal attempts
    heal-cooldown: 60

    # What to prevent from /i /give
    # e.g item-spawn-blacklist: 46,11,10

    # Set this to true if you want permission based item spawn rules
    # Note: The blacklist above will be ignored then.
    # Permissions:
    # - essentials.itemspawn.item-all
    # - essentials.itemspawn.item-[itemname]
    # - essentials.itemspawn.item-[itemid]
    # - essentials.give.item-all
    # - essentials.give.item-[itemname]
    # - essentials.give.item-[itemid]
    # For more information, visit http://wiki.ess3.net/wiki/Command_Reference/ICheat#Item.2FGive
    permission-based-item-spawn: false

    # Mob limit on the /spawnmob command per execution
    spawnmob-limit: 10

    # Shall we notify users when using /lightning
    warn-on-smite: true

    # motd and rules are now configured in the files motd.txt and rules.txt

    # When a command conflicts with another plugin, by default, Essentials will try to force the OTHER plugin to take priority.
    # Commands in this list, will tell Essentials to 'not give up' the command to other plugins.
    # In this state, which plugin 'wins' appears to be almost random.
    # If you have two plugin with the same command and you wish to force Essentials to take over, you need an alias.
    # To force essentials to take 'god' alias 'god' to 'egod'.
    # See http://wiki.bukkit.org/Bukkit.yml#aliases for more information

    # - god

    # Disabled commands will be completely unavailable on the server.
    # Disabling commands here will have no effect on command conflicts.
    # - nick

    # These commands will be shown to players with socialSpy enabled
    # You can add commands from other plugins you may want to track or
    # remove commands that are used for something you dont want to spy on
    - msg
    - w
    - r
    - mail
    - m
    - t
    - whisper
    - emsg
    - tell
    - er
    - reply
    - ereply
    - email
    - action
    - describe
    - eme
    - eaction
    - edescribe
    - etell
    - ewhisper
    - pm

    # If you do not wish to use a permission system, you can define a list of 'player perms' below.
    # This list has no effect if you are using a supported permissions system.
    # If you are using an unsupported permissions system simply delete this section.
    # Whitelist the commands and permissions you wish to give players by default (everything else is op only).
    # These are the permissions without the "essentials." part.
    - afk
    - afk.auto
    - back
    - back.ondeath
    - balance
    - balance.others
    - balancetop
    - build
    - chat.color
    - chat.format
    - chat.shout
    - chat.question
    - clearinventory
    - compass
    - depth
    - delhome
    - getpos
    - geoip.show
    - help
    - helpop
    - home
    - home.others
    - ignore
    - info
    - itemdb
    - kit
    - kits.tools
    - list
    - mail
    - mail.send
    - me
    - motd
    - msg
    - msg.color
    - nick
    - near
    - pay
    - ping
    - protect
    - r
    - rules
    - realname
    - seen
    - sell
    - sethome
    - setxmpp
    - signs.create.protection
    - signs.create.trade
    - signs.break.protection
    - signs.break.trade
    - signs.use.balance
    - signs.use.buy
    - signs.use.disposal
    - signs.use.enchant
    - signs.use.free
    - signs.use.gamemode
    - signs.use.heal
    - signs.use.info
    - signs.use.kit
    - signs.use.mail
    - signs.use.protection
    - signs.use.repair
    - signs.use.sell
    - signs.use.time
    - signs.use.trade
    - signs.use.warp
    - signs.use.weather
    - spawn
    - suicide
    - time
    - tpa
    - tpaccept
    - tpahere
    - tpdeny
    - warp
    - warp.list
    - world
    - worth
    - xmpp

    # Note: All items MUST be followed by a quantity!
    # All kit names should be lower case, and will be treated as lower in permissions/costs.
    # Syntax: - itemID[:DataValue/Durability] Amount [Enchantment:Level].. [itemmeta:value]...
    # For Item meta information visit http://wiki.ess3.net/wiki/Item_Meta
    # 'delay' refers to the cooldown between how often you can use each kit, measured in seconds.
    # For more information, visit http://wiki.ess3.net/wiki/Kits
    delay: 84600
    - 306 1 name:&4&lСупер&6&lШлем
    - 307 1 name:&4&lСупер&6&lНагрудник
    - 308 1 name:&4&lСупер&6&lШтаны
    - 309 1 name:&4&lСупер&6&lБоты
    - 267 1 name:&4&lОтличный&6&lМечуган
    - 257 1 name:&4&lОтличная&6&lКирочка
    - 258 1 name:&4&lСупер&6&lТопор
    - 256 1 name:&4&lНайс&6&lЛопатка
    - 320 32 name:&4&lВкусная&6&lХавка
    - 17 128 name:&4&lДом&6&lПостроишь
    - 20 64 name:&4&lВот&6&lСтёклышка
    - 50 32 name:&4&lНу&6&lПосветишь

    delay: 2000
    - 264 3 name:&4&lАлмаз&6&lДляКрасоты
    - 322:1 3 name:&4&lБудешь&6&lБессмертным

    # See http://wiki.ess3.net/wiki/Sign_Tutorial for instructions on how to use these.
    # To enable signs, remove # symbol. To disable all signs, comment/remove each sign.
    # Essentials Colored sign support will be enabled when any sign types are enabled.
    # Color is not an actual sign, it's for enabling using color codes on signs, when the correct permissions are given.

    #- color
    #- balance
    #- buy
    #- sell
    #- trade
    #- free
    #- disposal
    #- warp
    #- kit
    #- mail
  2. Хостинг MineCraft
  3. SkiperLol

    SkiperLol Активный участник Пользователь

    Зачем тут кусок конфига Essentials. Ты наверно просто не прописал им права на sethome :).
  4. Автор темы

    Mothersyaka Участник

    Всё в permissionsex прописано! Когда удалял config,yml всё работало но слетели все привелегии и кит старт!
    А когда заного поставил тот, то опять такая ошибка!
  5. _EnderWorld_

    _EnderWorld_ Активный участник Пользователь

    Имя в Minecraft:
    Проверь плагины, которые не блокируют команду, может и найдешь.
  6. Vic4Get

    Vic4Get Старожил Пользователь

    Имя в Minecraft:
    Ставь через сервер, /pex group default add essentials.sethome
  7. *Alexei*

    *Alexei* Участник Пользователь

    Имя в Minecraft:
    Слетают привилегии и кит старт? У меня такое было, оказывается дело было в кодировке)
    Essentials/config открой с помощью Notepad++ вверху жми на кодировки и выбирай - UTF=8 (Без BOM)
    PermissionsEX/Permissions также
  8. tacos912

    tacos912 Активный участник Пользователь

    Имя в Minecraft:

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