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Nocheat. Вопросик

Тема в разделе "[Архив] Помощь", создана пользователем kireevm, 10 окт 2011.

  1. Автор темы

    kireevm Старожил Пользователь

    Вот сам плагин http://dev.bukkit.org/server-mods/nocheat/

    Вот моя настройка:

    # Want to know what these options do? Read the descriptions.txt file.

    logging.active = "true"
    logging.filename = "nocheat.log"
    logging.filelevel = "low"
    logging.consolelevel = "high"
    logging.chatlevel = "med"

    debug.showactivechecks = "false"

    moving.check = "true"
    moving.runfly.check = "true"
    moving.runfly.walkingspeedlimit = "22"
    moving.runfly.sprintingspeedlimit = "40"
    moving.runfly.jumpheight = "135"
    moving.runfly.checksneaking = "true"
    moving.runfly.sneakingspeedlimit = "14"
    moving.runfly.checkswimming = "true"
    moving.runfly.swimmingspeedlimit = "18"
    moving.runfly.actions.0 = "moveLogLowShort moveCancel"
    moving.runfly.actions.100 = "moveLogMedShort moveCancel"
    moving.runfly.actions.400 = "moveLogHighShort moveCancel"
    moving.runfly.checknofall = "true"
    moving.runfly.nofallmultiplier = "200"
    moving.runfly.nofallactions.0 = "nofallLog nofallDamage"
    moving.runfly.allowlimitedflying = "true"
    moving.runfly.flyingspeedlimitvertical = "100"
    moving.runfly.flyingspeedlimithorizontal = "60"
    moving.runfly.flyingactions.0 = "moveLogLowShort moveCancel"
    moving.runfly.flyingactions.100 = "moveLogMedShort moveCancel"
    moving.runfly.flyingactions.400 = "moveLogHighShort moveCancel"
    moving.morepackets.check = "true"
    moving.morepackets.actions.0 = "morepacketsLow moveCancel"
    moving.morepackets.actions.30 = "morepacketsMed moveCancel"
    moving.morepackets.actions.60 = "morepacketsHigh moveCancel"
    moving.noclip.check = "false"
    moving.noclip.actions.1 = "noclipLog"

    blockbreak.check = "true"
    blockbreak.reach.check = "true"
    blockbreak.reach.reachlimit = "485"
    blockbreak.reach.actions.0 = "reachLog blockbreakCancel"
    blockbreak.direction.check = "true"
    blockbreak.direction.actions.0 = "directionLog blockbreakCancel"

    blockplace.check = "true"
    blockplace.reach.check = "true"
    blockplace.reach.reachlimit = "485"
    blockplace.reach.actions.0 = "reachLog blockplaceCancel"
    blockplace.onliquid.check = "true"
    blockplace.onliquid.actions.0 = "onliquidLog blockplaceCancel"

    interact.check = "true"
    interact.durability.check = "true"
    interact.durability.actions.0 = "durabilityLog interactCancel"

    chat.check = "true"
    chat.spam.check = "false"
    chat.spam.timeframe = "5"
    chat.spam.limit = "5"
    chat.spam.actions.0 = "spamLog spamCancel"

    ОН проверяет на скроть полома блоков. НО мне надо чтоб он проверял только на флай хак. и все. и кикал флайщиков. Помогите плиз
  2. Хостинг MineCraft
  3. lol63

    lol63 Модератор Переводчик

    blockbreak.check = "true"
    замените на
    blockbreak.check = "false"
  4. Автор темы

    kireevm Старожил Пользователь

    но он не кикает читаков
    Vedroyder нравится это.
  5. egorchik007

    egorchik007 Активный участник Пользователь

    он и не должен. у него нет такой функции.
    лично я запрещаю только флай-хак, ибо без иксрея играть - задротство, имхо конечно.
  6. Автор темы

    kireevm Старожил Пользователь

    нет он умеет # This file contains the definitions of the default actions of NoCheat.
    # DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE DIRECTLY. If you want to change any of these, copy
    # them to your "actions.txt" file and modify them there. If an action with
    # the same name exists here and in your file, yours will be used.
    # LOG Actions: They will print messages in your log file, console, chat, ...
    # - They start with the word 'log'
    # - Then comes their name. That name is used in the config file to identify them
    # - Then comes the 'delay', that is how often has this action to be called before it really gets executed
    # - Then comes the 'repeat', that is how many seconds have to be between two executions of the action
    # - Then comes the 'loglevel', that is how the log message gets categorized (low, med, high)
    # - Then comes the 'message', depending on where the action is used, different keywords in [ ] may be used

    # Gives a very short log message of the violation, only containing name, violation type and total violation value, at most once every 15 seconds, only if more than 3 violations happened within the last minute (low) and immediatly (med,high)
    log moveLogLowShort 3 15 low NC: [player] failed [check]
    log moveLogMedShort 0 15 med NC: [player] failed [check]
    log moveLogHighShort 0 15 high NC: [player] failed [check]

    # Gives a log message of the violation, only containing name, violation type and total violation value, at most once every second, only if more than 5 violations happened within the last minute (low) and immediatly (med,high)
    log morepacketsLow 5 1 low NC: [player] failed [check]: Sent [packets] more packets than expected. Total violation level [violations].
    log morepacketsMed 0 1 med NC: [player] failed [check]: Sent [packets] more packets than expected. Total violation level [violations].
    log morepacketsHigh 0 1 high NC: [player] failed [check]: Sent [packets] more packets than expected. Total violation level [violations].

    # Gives a lengthy log message of the violation, containing name, location, violation type and total violation, at most once every 15 seconds, only if more than 3 violations happened within the last minute (low) and immediatly (med,high)
    log moveLogLowLong 3 15 low NC: [player] in [world] at [location] moving to [locationto] over distance [distance] failed check [check]. Total violation level so far [violations].
    log moveLogMedLong 0 15 med NC: [player] in [world] at [location] moving to [locationto] over distance [distance] failed check [check]. Total violation level so far [violations].
    log moveLogHighLong 0 15 high NC: [player] in [world] at [location] moving to [locationto] over distance [distance] failed check [check]. Total violation level so far [violations].

    # Some other log messages that are limited a bit by default, to avoid too extreme spam
    log noclipLog 0 1 high NC: [player] failed [check]: at [location] to [locationto].
    log reachLog 0 1 med NC: [player] failed [check]: tried to interact with a block over distance [distance].
    log directionLog 2 1 med NC: [player] failed [check]: tried to destroy a block out of line of sight.
    log durabilityLog 0 1 med NC: [player] failed [check]: tried to use infinity durability hack.
    log onliquidLog 2 1 med NC: [player] failed [check]: tried to place a [blocktype] block at [placelocation] against block at [placeagainst].
    log spamLog 0 4 med NC: [player] failed [check]: Last sent message "[text]".
    log nofallLog 0 1 med NC: [player] failed [check]: tried to avoid fall damage for ~[distance] blocks.

    # SPECIAL Actions: They will do something check dependant, usually cancel an event.
    # - They start with the word 'special'
    # - Then comes their name. That name is used in the config file to identify them
    # - Then comes the 'delay', that is how often has this action to be called before it really gets executed
    # - Then comes the 'repeat', that is how many seconds have to be between two executions of the action
    # - Then come further instructions, if necessary

    # Cancels the event in case of an violation. Always. No delay. These are equivalent. The different names are just for better readability
    special moveCancel 0 0
    special blockbreakCancel 0 0
    special blockplaceCancel 0 0
    special interactCancel 0 0
    special spamCancel 0 0
    special nofallDamage 0 0

    # CONSOLECOMMAND Actions: They will execute a command as if it were typed into the console.
    # - They start with the word 'consolecommand'
    # - Then comes their name. That name is used in the config file to identify them
    # - Then comes the 'delay', that is how often has this action to be called before it really gets executed
    # - Then comes the 'repeat', that is how many seconds have to be between two executions of the action
    # - Then comes the command. You can use the same [ ] that you use for log actions. You'll most likely want to use [player] at some point.

    # E.g. Kick a player
    consolecommand kick 0 0 kick [player]
  7. Автор темы

    kireevm Старожил Пользователь

    тогда типо такого получается
    # Want to know what these options do? Read the descriptions.txt file.

    logging.active = "true"
    logging.filename = "nocheat.log"
    logging.filelevel = "low"
    logging.consolelevel = "high"
    logging.chatlevel = "med"

    debug.showactivechecks = "false"

    moving.check = "true"
    moving.runfly.check = "true"
    moving.runfly.walkingspeedlimit = "22"
    moving.runfly.sprintingspeedlimit = "40"
    moving.runfly.jumpheight = "135"
    moving.runfly.checksneaking = "true"
    moving.runfly.sneakingspeedlimit = "14"
    moving.runfly.checkswimming = "true"
    moving.runfly.swimmingspeedlimit = "18"
    moving.runfly.actions.0 = "kick moveCancel"
    moving.runfly.actions.100 = "kick moveCancel"
    moving.runfly.actions.400 = "kick moveCancel"
    moving.runfly.checknofall = "true"
    moving.runfly.nofallmultiplier = "200"
    moving.runfly.nofallactions.0 = "kick nofallDamage"
    moving.runfly.allowlimitedflying = "true"
    moving.runfly.flyingspeedlimitvertical = "100"
    moving.runfly.flyingspeedlimithorizontal = "60"
    moving.runfly.flyingactions.0 = "kick moveCancel"
    moving.runfly.flyingactions.100 = "kick moveCancel"
    moving.runfly.flyingactions.400 = "kick moveCancel"
    moving.morepackets.check = "true"
    moving.morepackets.actions.0 = "kick moveCancel"
    moving.morepackets.actions.30 = "kick moveCancel"
    moving.morepackets.actions.60 = "kick moveCancel"
    moving.noclip.check = "false"
    moving.noclip.actions.1 = "noclipLog"

    blockbreak.check = "false"
    blockbreak.reach.check = "false"
    blockbreak.reach.reachlimit = "485"
    blockbreak.reach.actions.0 = "reachLog blockbreakCancel"
    blockbreak.direction.check = "true"
    blockbreak.direction.actions.0 = "directionLog blockbreakCancel"

    interact.check = "true"
    interact.durability.check = "true"
    interact.durability.actions.0 = "kick interactCancel"

    chat.check = "fasle"
    chat.spam.check = "false"
    chat.spam.timeframe = "5"
    chat.spam.limit = "5"
    chat.spam.actions.0 = "spamLog spamCancel"
  8. Автор темы

    kireevm Старожил Пользователь

    А во ткак проверить не знаю
  9. lol63

    lol63 Модератор Переводчик

    Vedroyder нравится это.
  10. Кондитер

    Кондитер Активный участник

    Мдааааа. Господа, вы разленились до ужаса. Разрешать x-ray на серверах. До чего докатились...
    bijkent нравится это.
  11. egorchik007

    egorchik007 Активный участник Пользователь

    не лень, есть аж два плагина, уже настроил и потестил.
    а Вы кажется разленились читать :
    ибо без иксрея играть - задротство, имхо конечно.
  12. Кондитер

    Кондитер Активный участник

    У нас разные взгляды на это
  13. Автор темы

    kireevm Старожил Пользователь

    Thank you very much. But I can show an example. To kick it. I have 2 days I can not understand how to do it.

    moving.check = "true"
    moving.runfly.check = "true"
    moving.runfly.walkingspeedlimit = "22"
    moving.runfly.sprintingspeedlimit = "40"
    moving.runfly.jumpheight = "135"
    moving.runfly.checksneaking = "true"
    moving.runfly.sneakingspeedlimit = "14"
    moving.runfly.checkswimming = "true"
    moving.runfly.swimmingspeedlimit = "18"
    moving.runfly.actions.0 = "moveLogLowShort moveCancel"
    moving.runfly.actions.100 = "moveLogMedShort moveCancel"
    moving.runfly.actions.400 = "moveLogHighShort moveCancel"
    moving.runfly.checknofall = "true"
    moving.runfly.nofallmultiplier = "200"
    moving.runfly.nofallactions.0 = "nofallLog nofallDamage"
    moving.runfly.allowlimitedflying = "true"
    moving.runfly.flyingspeedlimitvertical = "100"
    moving.runfly.flyingspeedlimithorizontal = "60"
    moving.runfly.flyingactions.0 = "moveLogLowShort moveCancel"
    moving.runfly.flyingactions.100 = "moveLogMedShort moveCancel"
    moving.runfly.flyingactions.400 = "moveLogHighShort moveCancel"
    moving.morepackets.check = "true"
    moving.morepackets.actions.0 = "morepacketsLow moveCancel"
    moving.morepackets.actions.30 = "morepacketsMed moveCancel"
    moving.morepackets.actions.60 = "morepacketsHigh moveCancel"
    moving.noclip.check = "false"
    moving.noclip.actions.1 = "noclipLog"​
    Easiest way would be to add "kick" to one of the lines, e.g.

    moving.runfly.actions.400 = "moveLogHighShort moveCancel kick"
    but I don't recommend that, because it will kick the player immediatly when he fails that check the first time. And NoCheat isn't perfect and may in some cases falsely detect legitimate behaviour as cheating. So what you really should do, is this:

    1. Open your actions.txt file
    2. Copy-Paste this line into it and save the file

    consolecommand delayedkick 5 0 kick [player]
    That defines a new action called "delayedkick" that only gets executed if a player fails a check more than 5 times within 1 minute.

    3. Add the word "delayedkick" to the action lines where you want the kicking to occur, e.g. at:

    moving.runfly.actions.400 = "moveLogHighShort moveCancel delayedkick"
    That will, when a player fails the runfly check more than 5 times within 1 minute, kick him. (And if you wonder, the numbers 0, 100, 400 aso. at these lines say how hard a player has to fail checks for them to get executed. Higher number -> bigger failing and more likely cheating than lower numbers)

    4. Run the command "/nocheat reload" or do a normal "/reload" or restart your server to make NoCheat use the new configuration.
  14. Автор темы

    kireevm Старожил Пользователь

    может комунибудть пригодиться
    MineMan910 нравится это.

    RUSMIN*ER Активный участник


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