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Решено Не тратятся деньги при покупке в магазине SignShop

Тема в разделе "Помощь", создана пользователем Frimans1, 29 апр 2015.

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    Frimans1 Активный участник Пользователь

    На сервера стоит плагин SignShop, делал магазин и столкнулся с проблемой. При покупке чего-либо в шопе деньги со счета не списываются, при этом если на счету менее чем цена самого товара в чат выдается соответствующее сообщение и покупка не происходит, может в конфиге чего проглядел.
    Плагин экономики Essentials
    Вот сам конфиг:
    #----------- Admin Options ------------------
    # Allow OP to have all permissions, regardless of permission settings (Default = true)
    OPOverride: true
    # Whether or not to make a log of all SignShop transactions (Default = false)
    TransactionLog: false
    "runCommand" block to the sign name in the "signs:" section (Default = true)
    fixIncompleteOperations: true
    # Minimum time (in seconds) between SignShop sending messages to players (Default = 0)
    MessageCooldownSeconds: 0
    # Distance around a device type sign that keeps chunks loaded so redstone levers can be toggled properly (Default = 2)
    # Setting this to a high number will keep more chunks loaded, at the cost of server performance, use at your own risk
    ChunkLoadRadius: 2
    #----------- Tools ------------------
    # All items can be listed by item number (http://www.minecraftwiki.net/wiki/Data_values)
    # Or by item name (http://jd.bukkit.org/rb/apidocs/org/bukkit/Material.html)
    # Used to create and tell shops what they are connected with
    LinkMaterial: redstone
    # Used to change the owner of a sign or update an active sign's words by punching another sign first
    UpdateMaterial: ink_sack
    # Used to destroy shops in creative mode if "ProtectShopsInCreative" is set to "true"
    DestroyMaterial: gold_axe
    #----------- Language ------------------
    # Changes the default language for SignShop
    # Available languages are dutch, english, french, portuguese, russian
    # Send us your translated configs and we will add it to our supported languages
    # NOTE: If you only want to use the sign aliases from Dutch but keep the messages in English for example, you can do "english, dutch"
    Languages: russian
    # Fetch more readable item names from the internet (Default = false)
    EnableNamesFromTheWeb: false
    # SignShop will fetch item names from Google translate if set to a different language (Default = false)
    EnableGoogleTranslation: false
    #----------- Mechanics ------------------
    # SignShops will not break if punched in creative mode, must use DestroyMaterial to break them (Default = true)
    ProtectShopsInCreative: true
    # Protects signs when they are made into shops. Can be bypassed by OP (Default = true)
    EnableShopOwnerProtection: true
    # Gives players a message the first time they create a SignShop sign (Default = true)
    EnableTutorialMessages: true
    # Allow players to sell partial amounts to signs and get partial money (Default = false)
    AllowVariableAmounts: false
    # Allow enchanted items to be repaired with [Repair] signs (Default = true)
    AllowEnchantedRepair: true
    # Disables shops for owners without the SignShop.Permit permission node (Default = false)
    EnablePermits: false
    # Enables the Written Book fix when set to true (Default = true)
    EnableWrittenBookFix: true
    # Used to allow groups of users to use shops for different amounts of money
    # A multiplier of "1.0" means the amount is the same as it is on the sign
    # For more help with this, please read the Quick Reference
        iBuy: 0.7
        iSell: 1.2
        Repair: 0.5
    # Below is a list of all the materials that SignShop will allow to be linked to a shop.
    # The key (stuff before the colon) can either be the material name (http://jd.bukkit.org/rb/apidocs/org/bukkit/Material.html)
    # or it can the ID. To only allow blocks with a specific data value, just attach a ~ with the damage value (ex. WOOL~4 or 35~4 for Yellow Wool)
    # The value (stuff after the colon) is the "alias" which is used when checking for the DenyLink permission node.
    # So before a player can link a CHEST, the player will be checked for OP (OP's can link everything from the list below) and the SignShop.DenyLink.chest permission node.
      CHEST: chest
      TRAPPED_CHEST: chest
      DROPPER: dropper
      HOPPER: hopper
      HOPPER_MINECART: hopper
      ANVIL: anvil
      DISPENSER: dispenser
      FURNACE: furnace
      BURNING_FURNACE: furnace
      BREWING_STAND: brewingstand
      ENCHANTMENT_TABLE: enchantmenttable
      LEVER: lever
      SIGN: sign
      SIGN_POST: sign
      WALL_SIGN: sign
      STEP: slab
      JUKEBOX: jukebox
      WOODEN_DOOR: door
      IRON_DOOR: door
      IRON_DOOR_BLOCK: door
    #----------- Restrictions ------------------
    # Maximum distance between a SignShop and chest/lever/etc., in blocks (Infinite/Default = 0)
    MaxSellDistance: 0
    # Maximum number of SignShops allowed globally per person (Infinite/Default = 0)
    # This number does not include admin "playerIsOp" shops
    # Can be bypassed with the Signshop.IgnoreMax permission
    # For more help with this, please read the Quick Reference
    MaxShopsPerPerson: 0
    # The maximum number of shops a group of users can have
    # These numbers are ignored if set higher than MaxShopsPerPerson
    # Can be bypassed with the Signshop.IgnoreMax permission
    # For more help with this, please read the Quick Reference
      DefaultEx: 5
      MemberEx: 10
    # Minimum time (in ms) a player may consecutively use a shop (Default = 0)
    ShopCooldownMilliseconds: 0
    # Prevent players frome right-clicking villagers to trade with them (Default = false)
    PreventVillagerTrade: false
    # Enable support for non-vanilla enchantments (Default = true)
    AllowUnsafeEnchantments: true
    # Allow shops with the chest and sign in different worlds (Default = false)
    AllowMultiWorldShops: false
    # List items not allowed to be used in shops on new lines
    # All items can only be listed by item name since IDs are deprecated (http://jd.bukkit.org/rb/apidocs/org/bukkit/Material.html)
    - AIR
    # If set to true, only the items listed under Blacklist will be allowed for use in shops (Default = false)
    UseBlacklistAsWhitelist: false
    #----------- Other Plugins ------------------
    # Allows SignShop to warn of sign conflicts with Essentials at startup (Default = true)
    # Disable to silence the warnings [Not Recommended]
    DisableEssentialsSigns: true
    # Must be enabled to use Essentials' worth.yml for prices by writing "[worth]" on the bottom line of a sign (Default = false)
    EnablePriceFromWorth: false
    # Must be enabled for SignShop to place shop icons over dynmap maps (Default = true)
    EnableDynmapSupport: true
    # Forces players to only create shops in allowed areas (Default = false)
    # Currently supports Worldguard's "allow-shop" flag, and Towny's shop plots
    # Can be bypassed with the SignShop.BypassShopPlots.* permission
    EnableShopPlotSupport: false
    # Automatically add a LWC protection to a chest when it is linked (Default = false)
    EnableAutomaticLock: false
    #----------- Available Signs ------------------
    # This is a list of available signs and their associated building blocks
    # You can create your own signs by listing them here
    # For a full list of SignShop's blocks and what they do, please read the Quick Reference
      Buy: takePlayerMoney,takeShopItems,giveOwnerMoney,givePlayerItems
      Sell: takeVariablePlayerItems,takeOwnerMoney,giveShopItems,givePlayerMoney
      Donate: takeVariablePlayerItems,giveShopItems
      DonateHand: takeItemInHand,giveShopItems{allowemptychest}
      Slot: takePlayerMoney,giveOwnerMoney,RandomItem,givePlayerItems{oneslot},takeShopItems
      iSell: takeVariablePlayerItems,givePlayerMoney,playerIsOp
      iBuy: takePlayerMoney,givePlayerItems,playerIsOp
      gBuy: takePlayerMoney,givePlayerItems,takeShopItems,playerIsOp
      gSell: takeVariablePlayerItems,givePlayerMoney,giveShopItems,playerIsOp
      Day: takePlayerMoney,setDayTime,playerIsOp
      Night: takePlayerMoney,setNightTime,playerIsOp
      Rain: takePlayerMoney,setRaining,playerIsOp
      ClearSkies: takePlayerMoney,setClearSkies,playerIsOp
      DeviceOn: takePlayerMoney,giveOwnerMoney,setRedstoneOn
      DeviceOff: takePlayerMoney,giveOwnerMoney,setRedstoneOff
      Toggle: takePlayerMoney,giveOwnerMoney,toggleRedstone
      Device: takePlayerMoney,giveOwnerMoney,setRedStoneOnTemp
      Heal: takePlayerMoney,healPlayer,playerIsOp
      Repair: repairPlayerHeldItem,takePlayerMoney,playerIsOp
      Dispose: takeItemInHand
      DeviceItem: takePlayerItems,giveShopItems,setRedStoneOnTemp
      iSlot: takePlayerMoney,RandomItem,givePlayerItems{oneslot},playerIsOp
      Enchant: enchantItemInHand,takePlayerMoney,playerIsOp
      iBuyXP: givePlayerXP,takePlayerMoney,playerIsOp
      iSellXP: takePlayerXP,givePlayerMoney,playerIsOp
      iTrade: Chest{1},takePlayerItems,Chest{2},givePlayerItems,playerIsOp
      Trade: Chest{1},takePlayerItems,giveShopItems,Chest{2},givePlayerItems,takeShopItems
      TpToOwner: takePlayerMoney,playerIsOp,runCommand
      Class: takePlayerInventory{clearArmor},takePlayerMoney,givePlayerItems{ignorefull},playerIsOp
      Disenchant: disenchantItemInHand,takePlayerMoney,playerIsOp
      Command: takePlayerMoney,playerIsOp,runCommand
      UserCommand: takePlayerMoney,playerIsOp,runCommand{asOriginalUser}
      Share: ShareSign
      Restricted: RestrictedSign
      Bank: BankSign
      Jukebox: playJukebox,takePlayerMoney,giveOwnerMoney
      Kit: givePlayerItems,takePlayerMoney,oneTime,playerIsOp
      ResetKit: takePlayerMoney,resetOneTime{Kit}, playerIsOp
      iXPBuy: takePlayerXP{raw},givePlayerItems,playerIsOp
      iXPSell: givePlayerXP{raw},takePlayerItems,playerIsOp
      Promote: promotePlayer,takePlayerMoney,playerIsOp
      TCommand: takePlayerMoney,runTimedCommand{10},playerIsOp
    #----------- Sign Commands ------------------
    # Used to make signs run commands
    # You can list multiple commands on new lines
    # A sign must have the runCommand block in order for these to work (added automatically if "fixIncompleteOperations" is set to "true")
    # For help with this, please read the Quick Reference
      - tp !player !owner
      - \!line2 !line3
      - \!line2 !line3
      - \!line2 !line3
      - tell !player The commands on the sign have been run.
    #----------- Messages and Errors ------------------
    # These are given when players interact with shops
    # Words beginning with "!" are replaced when the message is given
    # For a full list of available !variables and what they do, please read the Quick Reference
    # These are given when you create a sign by punching it with the link material (Redstone by default)
    /////-------Вырезаны настройка сообщений дабы обойти огран. "рубика"---------\\\\\\ 
    # These are given when you left click a sign
    /////-------Вырезаны настройка сообщений дабы обойти огран. "рубика"---------\\\\\\ 
    # These are given when you complete a transaction
    /////-------Вырезаны настройка сообщений дабы обойти огран. "рубика"---------\\\\\\ 
    # These are given to shop owners when someone uses their shop
    # You can use empty single or double quotes to make it so SignShop does not inform the owner
    # NOTE: You must use a "\" if you start a line with "!"
    /////-------Вырезаны настройка сообщений дабы обойти огран. "рубика"---------\\\\\\ 

    P.S. Прошу НЕ писать в теме " поставь другой плагин и не парься, там все проще" я выбрал именно этот плагин исходя из некоторых соображений и не намерен его менять.
  2. Хостинг MineCraft
  3. Автор темы

    Frimans1 Активный участник Пользователь

  4. OneHidden

    OneHidden Активный участник

    Имя в Minecraft:
    Попробуй iconomy поставить.
  5. Автор темы

    Frimans1 Активный участник Пользователь

    ап[DOUBLEPOST=1430403324,1430395101][/DOUBLEPOST]up 3x
    Неужели никто не знает?[DOUBLEPOST=1430414272][/DOUBLEPOST]Проведя некоторое время в поисках решения проблемы я понял, что виновен здесь не SignShop на его стороне все хорошо, тут виновен EssentialsEco он просто не хочет изменять в файлах значение "money: ' ' " , вернее он их изменят, но только при прямом вводе /eco * или при использовании платной команды. Что делать не знаю... Других альтернатив, настолько проработанных, не вижу. Прошу помощи
    # +------------------------------------------------------+ #
    # |                   EssentialsEco                      | #
    # +------------------------------------------------------+ #
    # For more information, visit http://wiki.ess3.net/wiki/Essentials_Economy
    # Defines the balance with which new players begin.  Defaults to 0.
    starting-balance: 300
    # worth-# defines the value of an item when it is sold to the server via /sell.
    # These are now defined in worth.yml
    # Defines the cost to use the given commands PER USE.
    # Some commands like /repair have sub-costs, check the wiki for more information.
      # /example costs $1000 PER USE
      #example: 1000
      # /kit tools costs $1500 PER USE
      #kit-tools: 1500
      tpa: 50
      call: 50
    # Set this to a currency symbol you want to use.
    currency-symbol: 'р.'
    # Set the maximum amount of money a player can have.
    # The amount is always limited to 10 trillion because of the limitations of a java double.
    max-money: 10000000000000
    # Set the minimum amount of money a player can have (must be above the negative of max-money).
    # Setting this to 0, will disable overdrafts/loans completely.  Users need 'essentials.eco.loan' perm to go below 0.
    min-money: 0
    # Enable this to log all interactions with trade/buy/sell signs and sell command.
    economy-log-enabled: false
    [DOUBLEPOST=1430418344][/DOUBLEPOST]Я - ИДИОТ. Нужно пойти поспать, дело было вот в чем, я создал магазин, покупал в нем , продавал в него, НО я покупал и продавал САМ У СЕБЯ, т.е. деньги то поступали и списывались, но это компенсировали выплаты с магазина, я долбаных 2 дня с этим провозился, перерыл ВСЮ документацию обоих плагинов, ставил альтернативы... такого фэйла еще со мной не было. Закрыта
    Последнее редактирование: 30 апр 2015
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