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Тема в разделе "Помощь", создана пользователем Mothron, 7 авг 2016.

  1. Автор темы

    Mothron Новичок Пользователь

    Имя в Minecraft:
    Срочно нужна помощь! Юзал SWR SkyWarsReloaded 2 дня и за все это время так и не смог убрать кастомные предметы при входе. Перепробовал все плагины на SkyWars (даже пару приватных) подошел только этот, юзал и юзал конфиг часами, ничего не вышло.
    #  signJoinMode: false        //When enabled, players can join games through signs.
    #  signJoinMaterial: wool    //This is the material that will show behind or under sign join signs. It can be set to wool, clay, glass or none.
    #  pressurePlateJoin: true    //When enabled, players can join games by stepping on stone pressure plates.
    #  allowSpectating: true    //Setting this to true will put players in spectator mode when they lose all their lives.
    #  enableLogFilter: true    //Enabling this filter allows SWR to remove the log spam created when worlds are loaded.
    #  useExternalEconomy: false    //if set to true, SWR with use your external economy plugin for shops and kits, as well as adding points for wins, kills, etc. 
    #  disableWinBroadcast: false    //if set to true, only the players in the arena will see the winner message.
    #  noFallDamage: true            //if set to true, players will not receive fall damage while in game.
    #  noFallDamageLobby: false        //if set to true, players will not recieve fall damage in the lobby world.
    #  minPercentPlayers: 50    //The percentage of a full lobby, before players in queue are teleported and before a game will start.
    #  preGameTimer: 20            //The countdown time before the game starts once the minimum number of players are in the game.
    #  resetPreGameTimerOnJoin: true    //If set to true, the pregame timer will reset whenver a new player joins a game.
    #  resetPreGameTimerThreshold: 80    //This is the threshold based on the percentage of players in a game. If the number of players in the game is higher than the threshold, the timer will not restart.
    #  timeAfterGame: 10    //This is the amount of time after the end of a game, before the game shutsdown/restarts.
    #  maxMapSize: 200        //This is the maximum square size of the map.
    #  maxNumberOfGames: -1     //This is the maximum number of games possible on the server. If set to -1, it is unlimited.
    #  maxGameLength: -1        //Sets the maximum length of a game in minutes.
    #  playerNameScoreboard: false     //When enabled, the in game scoreboard will show player names instead of Warriors Remaining.
    #  lobbyScoreBoardEnabled: false //When enable, a scoreboard showing player stats will be shown to players in the Lobby World.
    #  statsCommandCooldown: 60        //The amount of time a player has to wait to use the stats command again.
    #  clearInventoryOnJoin: false    //When set to true, a players inventory is cleared whenever they join the server.
    #  clearXPOnJoin: false        //When set to true, a players xp is cleared whenever they join the server.
    #  clearPotionEffectsOnJoin: false  //When set to true, a players potions effects are cleared whenever they join the server.
    #  addScorePrefix: true        //When set to true, a score prefix is added to player chat.
    #  useExternalChat: false    //When set to true, the plugin will use the external chat plugin.
      signJoinMode: true
      signJoinMaterial: wool
      pressurePlateJoin: false
      allowSpectating: true
      enableLogFilter: true
      useExternalEconomy: false
      disableWinBroadcast: false
      noFallDamage: false
      minPercentPlayers: 50
      preGameTimer: 20
      resetPreGameTimerOnJoin: true
      resetPreGameTimerThreshold: 80
      timeAfterGame: 10
      maxMapSize: 200
      maxNumberOfGames: -1
      maxGameLength: -1
      playerNameScoreboard: false
      lobbyScoreBoardEnabled: false
      statsCommandCooldown: 60
      clearInventoryOnJoin: false
      clearXPOnJoin: false
      clearPotionEffectsOnJoin: false
      sendPlayersToSpawnOnJoin: false
      addScorePrefix: false
      useExternalChat: false
      pointsPerKill: 5
      pointsLostPerDeath: 0
      pointsLostPerLeave: 0
      pointsPerWin: 30
      vipMultiplier: 2
      kitsEnabled: true
      shopsEnabled: true
      spectateShopEnabled: false
      opChestsEnabled: false
      timeVoteEnabled: false
      jumpVoteEnabled: false
      highJumpValue: 2
      superJumpValue: 4
      godJumpValue: 8
      weatherVoteEnabled: false
      lightningStrikeChance: 5
      colorGlassEnabled: true
      particlesEnabled: true
      trailEffectsEnabled: true
      lobbyMenuEnabled: false
      optionsMenuEnabled: false
      purchaseColorGlassEnabled: true
      purchaseParticlesEnabled: true
      purchaseTrailEffectsEnabled: true
      purchasePermanentKitsEnabled: true
      showKitItemsandPotionEffects: true
      doubleChestAlwaysOP: true
      giveSpectateItem: false
      spectateItemSlot: 0
      giveLobbyMenuItem: false
      lobbyMenuItemSlot: 4
      giveJoinItem: true
      joinItemSlot: 456
      lobbyMenuItem: 100000000
      spectateItem: compass 1 luck:1
      joinItem: 0 1 luck:1
      exitGameItem: iron_door 1 luck:1
      exitItemSlot: 8
      kitMenuItem: storage_minecart 1 luck:1
      kitMenuItemSlot: 0
      kitPermMenuItem: storage_minecart 1
      kitPermMenuItemSlot: 2
      specStoreItem: anvil 1 luck:1
      specStoreItemSlot: 4
      opChestMenuItem: diamond 1
      opChestOptionMenuSlot: 3
      timeMenuItem: watch 1
      timeOptionMenuSlot: 5
      weatherMenuItem: glowstone 1
      weatherOptionMenuSlot: 7
      jumpMenuItem: diamond_boots 1
      jumpOptionMenuSlot: 1
      particleMenuItem: pumpkin_seeds 1
      particleLobbyMenuSlot: 20
      particleOptionsMenuSlot: 22
      trailEffectMenuItem: arrow 1
      trailEffectLobbyMenuSlot: 24
      trailEffectOptionsMenuSlot: 24
      optionsItem: 0 1 luck:1
      optionsItemSlot: 4
      glassMenuItem: stained_glass 1
      glassLobbyMenuSlot: 6
      glassOptionsMenuSlot: 20
      playerJoinLobby: SLIME_WALK2
      playerLeaveLobby: SLIME_ATTACK
      playerDeath: AMBIENCE_THUNDER
      opChestVote: CHEST_OPEN
      timeVote: FUSE
      weatherVote: SPLASH
      jumpVote: MAGMACUBE_JUMP
      enabled: false
      hungerDisabled: true
      fallDamageDisabled: true
      damageDisabled: true
      pvpDisabled: true
      playerBuildDisabled: true
      playerInteractDisabled: true
      weatherDisabled: true
      daylightCycleDisabled: true
    - /swr quit
    - /swr kit
    - /swr shop
    - /swr start
    - /swr
    - /g
    - /swr quit
    - /swr shop
      enabled: false
      saveInterval: 30
      hostname: localhost
      port: 3306
      database: database
      username: username
      password: password
    resaveDefaultMaps: false
      enabled: false
      bungeeServerName: skywars
      lobbyServer: lobby
      world: world
      x: -496
      y: 156
      z: 1197
      yaw: -0.05012769
      pitch: -1.0500232
  2. Хостинг MineCraft
  3. zax2002

    zax2002 Новичок Пользователь

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