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  1. Вы находитесь в русском сообществе Bukkit. Мы - администраторы серверов Minecraft, разрабатываем собственные плагины и переводим на русский язык плагины наших собратьев из других стран.
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Vehicles переведите пожалуйста файл lang

Тема в разделе "Запросы на перевод плагинов", создана пользователем Rasul_5725, 2 июл 2017.

  1. Автор темы

    Rasul_5725 Активный участник

    Имя в Minecraft:
    Vehicles переведите пожалуйста файл land

    package-description: "&fThis package contains a <type>"
    package-uuid-prefix: "&6Package UUID: &c"
    package-health-prefix: "&aHealth: &e"
    bike-use-nopermission: "&cYou don't have permission to use this bike."
    bike-buy-nopermission: "&cYou don't have permission to buy this."
    bike-buy-buy: "You have bought a new %type%"
    bike-error-money: "&cAn error ocurred while removing the money from your wallet."
    bike-notenoughmoney: "&cYou don't have enough money to buy this."
    bike-worldDisabled: "&cBikes are disabled in this world!"
    bike-mountingOther: "&eYou are mounting %owner%'s bike."
    bike-notYours: "&cThis is not your bike."
    bike-destroyed: "&cThe bike you were riding was destroyed."
    car-use-nopermission: "&cYou don't have permission to use this car."
    car-buy-nopermission: "&cYou don't have permission to buy this."
    car-buy-buy: "You have bought a new %type%"
    car-error-money: "&cAn error ocurred while removing the money from your wallet."
    car-notenoughmoney: "&cYou don't have enough money to buy this."
    car-worldDisabled: "&cCars are disabled in this world!"
    car-mountingOther: "&eYou are mounting %owner%'s car."
    car-notYours: "&cThis is not your car."
    car-destroyed: "&cThe car you were riding was destroyed."
    train-useOnRails: "&cYou can only place trains on rails"
    train-use-nopermission: "&cYou don't have permission to use this train."
    train-buy-nopermission: "&cYou don't have permission to buy this."
    train-buy-buy: "You have bought a new %type%"
    train-error-money: "&cAn error ocurred while removing the money from your wallet."
    train-notenoughmoney: "&cYou don't have enough money to buy this."
    train-worldDisabled: "&cTrains are disabled in this world!"
    train-mountingOther: "&eYou are mounting %owner%'s train."
    train-notYours: "&cThis is not your train."
    train-destroyed: "&cThe train you were riding was destroyed."
    raft-use-nopermission: "&cYou don't have permission to use this raft."
    raft-buy-nopermission: "&cYou don't have permission to buy this."
    raft-buy-buy: "You have bought a new %type%"
    raft-error-money: "&cAn error ocurred while removing the money from your wallet."
    raft-notenoughmoney: "&cYou don't have enough money to buy this."
    raft-worldDisabled: "&cRafts are disabled in this world!"
    raft-mountingOther: "&eYou are mounting %owner%'s raft."
    raft-notYours: "&cThis is not your raft."
    raft-onlyWater: "&cRafts can only be placed on water."
    raft-destroyed: "&cThe raft you were riding was destroyed."
    plane-use-nopermission: "&cYou don't have permission to use this plane."
    plane-buy-nopermission: "&cYou don't have permission to buy this."
    plane-buy-buy: "You have bought a new %type%"
    plane-error-money: "&cAn error ocurred while removing the money from your wallet."
    plane-notenoughmoney: "&cYou don't have enough money to buy this."
    plane-worldDisabled: "&cPlanes are disabled in this world!"
    plane-mountingOther: "&eYou are mounting %owner%'s plane."
    plane-notYours: "&cThis is not your plane."
    plane-destroyed: "&cThe plane you were riding was destroyed."
    parachute-use-nopermission: "&cYou don't have permission to use this parachute."
    parachute-buy-nopermission: "&cYou don't have permission to buy this."
    parachute-buy-buy: "You have bought a new %type%"
    parachute-error-money: "&cAn error ocurred while removing the money from your wallet."
    parachute-notenoughmoney: "&cYou don't have enough money to buy this."
    parachute-worldDisabled: "&cParachutes are disabled in this world!"
    parachute-mountingOther: "&eYou are mounting %owner%'s parachute."
    parachute-notYours: "&cThis is not your parachute."
    parachute-wrongPlace: "&cYou must right click the air to open the parachute."
    parachute-destroyed: "&cThe parachute you were riding was destroyed."
    helicopter-use-nopermission: "&cYou don't have permission to use this helicopter."
    helicopter-buy-nopermission: "&cYou don't have permission to buy this."
    helicopter-buy-buy: "You have bought a new %type%"
    helicopter-error-money: "&cAn error ocurred while removing the money from your wallet."
    helicopter-notenoughmoney: "&cYou don't have enough money to buy this."
    helicopter-worldDisabled: "&cHelicopters are disabled in this world!"
    helicopter-mountingOther: "&eYou are mounting %owner%'s helicopter."
    helicopter-notYours: "&cThis is not your helicopter."
    helicopter-destroyed: "&cThe helicopter you were riding was destroyed."
    tank-use-nopermission: "&cYou don't have permission to use this tank."
    tank-buy-nopermission: "&cYou don't have permission to buy this."
    tank-buy-buy: "You have bought a new %type%"
    tank-error-money: "&cAn error ocurred while removing the money from your wallet."
    tank-notenoughmoney: "&cYou don't have enough money to buy this."
    tank-worldDisabled: "&cTanks are disabled in this world!"
    tank-mountingOther: "&eYou are mounting %owner%'s tank."
    tank-notYours: "&cThis is not your tank."
    tank-destroyed: "&cThe tank you were riding was destroyed."
    submarine-use-nopermission: "&cYou don't have permission to use this submarine."
    submarine-buy-nopermission: "&cYou don't have permission to buy this."
    submarine-buy-buy: "You have bought a new %type%"
    submarine-error-money: "&cAn error ocurred while removing the money from your wallet."
    submarine-notenoughmoney: "&cYou don't have enough money to buy this."
    submarine-worldDisabled: "&cSubmarines are disabled in this world!"
    submarine-mountingOther: "&eYou are mounting %owner%'s submarine."
    submarine-notYours: "&cThis is not your submarine."
    submarine-onlyWater: "&cSubmarines can only be placed on water."
    submarine-destroyed: "&cThe submarine you were riding was destroyed."
    command-onlyPlayersCanUse: "&cOnly players can use this command."
    command-playerNotFound: "&cPlayer not found."
    command-bikeShopDisabled: "&cThe bike shop is currently disabled."
    command-bikeGiven: "&aBike given to %player%"
    command-bikeTypeNotFound: "&cBike type not found."
    command-giveBikeUsage: "&cUsage: /giveBike <player> <bikeType>"
    command-bikeTypes: "&eBike types: "
    command-getBikeUsage: "&cUsage: /getBike <bikeType>"
    command-getBike: "&eYou got a new %type%"
    command-carShopDisabled: "&cThe car shop is currently disabled."
    command-carGiven: "&aCar given to %player%"
    command-carTypeNotFound: "&cCar type not found."
    command-giveCarUsage: "&cUsage: /giveCar <player> <carType>"
    command-carTypes: "&eCar types: "
    command-getCarUsage: "&cUsage: /getCar <carType>"
    command-getCar: "&eYou got a new %type%"
    command-trainShopDisabled: "&cThe train shop is currently disabled."
    command-trainGiven: "&aTrain given to %player%"
    command-trainTypeNotFound: "&cTrain type not found."
    command-giveTrainUsage: "&cUsage: /giveTrain <player> <trainType>"
    command-trainTypes: "&eTrain types: "
    command-getTrainUsage: "&cUsage: /getTrain <trainType>"
    command-getTrain: "&eYou got a new %type%"
    command-raftShopDisabled: "&cThe raft shop is currently disabled."
    command-raftGiven: "&aRaft given to %player%"
    command-raftTypeNotFound: "&cRaft type not found."
    command-giveRaftUsage: "&cUsage: /giveRaft <player> <raftType>"
    command-raftTypes: "&eRaft types: "
    command-getRaftUsage: "&cUsage: /getRaft <raftType>"
    command-getRaft: "&eYou got a new %type%"
    command-planeShopDisabled: "&cThe plane shop is currently disabled."
    command-planeGiven: "&aPlane given to %player%"
    command-planeTypeNotFound: "&cPlane type not found."
    command-givePlaneUsage: "&cUsage: /givePlane <player> <planeType>"
    command-planeTypes: "&ePlane types: "
    command-getPlaneUsage: "&cUsage: /getPlane <planeType>"
    command-getPlane: "&eYou got a new %type%"
    command-parachuteShopDisabled: "&cThe parachute shop is currently disabled."
    command-parachuteGiven: "&aParachute given to %player%"
    command-parachuteTypeNotFound: "&cParachute type not found."
    command-giveParachuteUsage: "&cUsage: /giveParachute <player> <parachuteType>"
    command-parachuteTypes: "&eParachute types: "
    command-getParachuteUsage: "&cUsage: /getParachute <parachuteType>"
    command-getParachute: "&eYou got a new %type%"
    command-helicopterShopDisabled: "&cThe helicopter shop is currently disabled."
    command-helicopterGiven: "&aHelicopter given to %player%"
    command-helicopterTypeNotFound: "&cHelicopter type not found."
    command-giveHelicopterUsage: "&cUsage: /giveHelicopter <player> <helicopterType>"
    command-helicopterTypes: "&eHelicopter types: "
    command-getHelicopterUsage: "&cUsage: /getHelicopter <helicopterType>"
    command-getHelicopter: "&eYou got a new %type%"
    command-tankShopDisabled: "&cThe tank shop is currently disabled."
    command-tankGiven: "&aTank given to %player%"
    command-tankTypeNotFound: "&cTank type not found."
    command-giveTankUsage: "&cUsage: /giveTank <player> <tankType>"
    command-tankTypes: "&eTank types: "
    command-getTankUsage: "&cUsage: /getTank <tankType>"
    command-getTank: "&eYou got a new %type%"
    command-submarineShopDisabled: "&cThe submarine shop is currently disabled."
    command-submarineGiven: "&aSubmarine given to %player%"
    command-submarineTypeNotFound: "&cSubmarine type not found."
    command-giveSubmarineUsage: "&cUsage: /giveSubmarine <player> <submarineType>"
    command-submarineTypes: "&eSubmarine types: "
    command-getSubmarineUsage: "&cUsage: /getSubmarine <submarineType>"
    command-getSubmarine: "&eYou got a new %type%"
    command-vehicleClearUsage: "&cUsage /vehicleClear <radius> <optional: Remove not owned (true)>"
    command-vehicleClear: "&e%count% vehicles removed!"
    command-mustBeRiding: "&cYou must be riding a vehicle to use this command."
    command-vehicleRepaired: "&eThe vehicle you are riding was repaired."


    • Vehicles.txt
      Размер файла:
      9,4 КБ
  2. Хостинг MineCraft
  3. Neosha

    Neosha Новичок Пользователь

    Имя в Minecraft:
    Если не забуду - скину перевод, так как сам скачал этот плагин и буду переводить
  4. MainFox

    MainFox Ньюби Пользователь

    vehicle-storage-title: "&3Багажник"
    command-reload: "&f[&3Foxy&bGD&f] - &avehicles успешно перезагружен"
    command-openShopOthers: ""
    package-description: "&fЭтот пак содержит <type>"
    package-uuid-prefix: "&6Пак UUID: &c"
    package-health-prefix: "&aЖизни: &e"
    package-fuel-prefix: "&9Топливо: &e"
    bike-use-nopermission: "&cУ вас нет прав на использование этого транспорта."
    bike-buy-nopermission: "&cУ вас нет прав на покупку этого транспорта."
    bike-buy-buy: "Вы купили мотоцикл %type%"
    bike-error-money: "&cПроизошла ошибка при оплате."
    bike-notenoughmoney: "&cУ вас недостаточно денег."
    bike-worldDisabled: "&cмотоциклы запрещены в данном мире!"
    bike-mountingOther: "&eВы устанавливаете мотоцикл %owner%."
    bike-notYours: "&cЭто не ваш транспорт."
    bike-destroyed: "&cмотоцикл, на котором вы ехали, был разрушен."
    car-use-nopermission: "&cУ вас нет прав на использование этого транспорта."
    car-buy-nopermission: "&cУ вас нет прав на покупку этого транспорта."
    car-buy-buy: "Вы купили машину %type%"
    car-error-money: "&cПроизошла ошибка при оплате."
    car-notenoughmoney: "&cУ вас недостаточно денег."
    car-worldDisabled: "&cCars запрещены в данном мире!"
    car-mountingOther: "&eВы устанавливаете машину %owner%."
    car-notYours: "&cЭто не ваша Машина."
    car-destroyed: "&cМашина, на котором вы ехали, была разрушена."
    train-useOnRails: "&cВы можете размещать поезда только на рельсах"
    train-use-nopermission: "&cУ вас нет прав на использование данного поезда."
    train-buy-nopermission: "&cУ вас нет прав на покупку этого транспорта."
    train-buy-buy: "Вы купили поезд %type%"
    train-error-money: "&cПроизошла ошибка при оплате."
    train-notenoughmoney: "&cУ вас недостаточно денег."
    train-worldDisabled: "&cПоезда запрещены в данном мире!"
    train-mountingOther: "&eВы устанавливаете поезд %owner%."
    train-notYours: "&cЭто не ваш поезд."
    train-destroyed: "&cПоезд, на котором вы ехали, был разрушен."
    raft-use-nopermission: "&cУ вас нет прав на использование данного транспорта."
    raft-buy-nopermission: "&cУ вас нет прав на покупку данного транспорта."
    raft-buy-buy: "Вы купили плот %type%"
    raft-error-money: "&cПроизошла ошибка при оплате."
    raft-notenoughmoney: "&cУ вас недостаточно денег."
    raft-worldDisabled: "&cПлоты запрещены в данном мире!"
    raft-mountingOther: "&eВы устанавливаете плот %owner%."
    raft-notYours: "&cЭто не ваш плот."
    raft-onlyWater: "&cВы можете размешать плоты только на воде."
    raft-destroyed: "&cПлот, на котором вы плыли, был разрушен."
    plane-use-nopermission: "&cУ вас нет прав на использование данного транспорта."
    plane-buy-nopermission: "&cУ вас нет прав на покупку данного транспорта."
    plane-buy-buy: "Вы купили самолет %type%"
    plane-error-money: "&cПроизошла ошибка при оплате."
    plane-notenoughmoney: "&cУ вас недостаточно денег."
    plane-worldDisabled: "&cСамолеты запрещены в данном мире!"
    plane-mountingOther: "&eВы устанавливаете самолет %owner%."
    plane-notYours: "&cЭто не ваш самолет."
    plane-destroyed: "&cСамолет, на котором вы летели, был разрушен."
    parachute-use-nopermission: "&cУ вас нет прав на использование парашута."
    parachute-buy-nopermission: "&cУ вас нет прав на покупку парашута."
    parachute-buy-buy: "Вы купили парашут %type%"
    parachute-error-money: "&cПроизошла ошибка при оплате."
    parachute-notenoughmoney: "&cУ вас недостаточно денег."
    parachute-worldDisabled: "&cПарашуты запрещены в данном мире!"
    parachute-mountingOther: "&eВы устанавливаете парашут %owner%."
    parachute-notYours: "&cЭто не ваш парашут."
    parachute-wrongPlace: "&cНажмите ПКМ в воздухе для открытия парашута."
    parachute-destroyed: "&cПарашут, на котором вы летели, был разрущен."
    helicopter-use-nopermission: "&cУ вас нет прав на использование данного транспорта."
    helicopter-buy-nopermission: "&cУ вас нет прав на покупку данного транспорта."
    helicopter-buy-buy: "Вы купили вертолет %type%"
    helicopter-error-money: "&cПроизошла ошибка при оплате."
    helicopter-notenoughmoney: "&cУ вас недостаточно денег."
    helicopter-worldDisabled: "&cВертолеты запрещены в данном мире!"
    helicopter-mountingOther: "&eВы устанавливаете вертолет %owner%."
    helicopter-notYours: "&cЭто не ваш вертолет."
    helicopter-destroyed: "&cВертолет, на котором вы летели, был разрущен."
    tank-use-nopermission: "&cУ вас нет прав на использование данного транспорта."
    tank-buy-nopermission: "&cУ вас нет прав на покупку данного транспорта."
    tank-buy-buy: "Вы купили танк %type%"
    tank-error-money: "&cПроизошла ошибка при оплате."
    tank-notenoughmoney: "&cУ вас недостаточно денег."
    tank-worldDisabled: "&cТанки запрещены в данном мире!"
    tank-mountingOther: "&eВы устанавливаете танк %owner%."
    tank-notYours: "&cЭто не ваш танк."
    tank-destroyed: "&cТанк, на котором вы ехали, был разрущен."
    broom-use-nopermission: "&cУ вас нет прав на использование данного транспорта."
    broom-buy-nopermission: "&cУ вас нет прав на покупку данного транспорта."
    broom-buy-buy: "Вы купили метлу %type%"
    broom-error-money: "&cПроизошла ошибка при оплате."
    broom-notenoughmoney: "&cУ вас недостаточно денег."
    broom-worldDisabled: "&cМетлы запрещены в данном мире!"
    broom-mountingOther: "&eВы устанавливаете метлу %owner%."
    broom-notYours: "&cЭто не ваша метла."
    broom-destroyed: "&cМетла, на которой вы летели, была разрущена."
    hoverbike-use-nopermission: "&cУ вас нет прав на использование данного транспорта."
    hoverbike-buy-nopermission: "&cУ вас нет прав на покупку данного транспорта."
    hoverbike-buy-buy: "Вы купили ховербайк %type%"
    hoverbike-error-money: "&cПроизошла ошибка при оплате."
    hoverbike-notenoughmoney: "&cУ вас недостаточно денег."
    hoverbike-worldDisabled: "&cХовербайки запрещены в данном мире!"
    hoverbike-mountingOther: "&eВы устанавливаете ховербайк %owner%."
    hoverbike-notYours: "&cЭто не ваш ховербайк."
    hoverbike-destroyed: "&cХовербайк, на котором вы летели, был разрущен."
    submarine-use-nopermission: "&cУ вас нет прав на использование данного транспорта."
    submarine-buy-nopermission: "&cУ вас нет прав на покупку данного транспорта."
    submarine-buy-buy: "Вы купили субмарину %type%"
    submarine-error-money: "&cПроизошла ошибка при оплате."
    submarine-notenoughmoney: "&cУ вас недостаточно денег."
    submarine-worldDisabled: "&cСубмарины запрещены в данном мире!"
    submarine-mountingOther: "&eВы устанавливаете субмарину %owner%."
    submarine-notYours: "&cЭто не ваша субмарина."
    submarine-onlyWater: "&cВы можете размещать субмарины только на воде."
    submarine-destroyed: "&cСубмарина, на которой вы плыли, была разрущена."
    command-onlyPlayersCanUse: "&cТолько игроки могут использовать данную команду."
    command-playerNotFound: "&cИгрок не найден."
    command-bikeShopDisabled: "&cДанный магазин в настоящее время отключен."
    command-bikeGiven: "&aмотоцикл выдан игроку %player%"
    command-bikeTypeNotFound: "&cмотоцикл не найден."
    command-giveBikeUsage: "&cИспользуй: /giveBike <player> <bikeType>"
    command-bikeTypes: "&eТипы мотоциклов: "
    command-getBikeUsage: "&cИспользуй: /getBike <bikeType>"
    command-getBike: "&eВам выдали мотоцикл %type%"
    command-carShopDisabled: "&cДанный магазин в настоящее время отключен."
    command-carGiven: "&aМашина выдана игроку %player%"
    command-carTypeNotFound: "&cМашина не найдена."
    command-giveCarUsage: "&cИспользуй: /giveCar <player> <carType>"
    command-carTypes: "&eТипы машин: "
    command-getCarUsage: "&cИспользуй: /getCar <carType>"
    command-getCar: "&eВам выдали машину %type%"
    command-trainShopDisabled: "&cДанный магазин в настоящее время отключен."
    command-trainGiven: "&aПоезд выдан игроку %player%"
    command-trainTypeNotFound: "&cПоезд не найден."
    command-giveTrainUsage: "&cИспользуй: /giveTrain <player> <trainType>"
    command-trainTypes: "&eТипы поездов: "
    command-getTrainUsage: "&cИспользуй: /getTrain <trainType>"
    command-getTrain: "&eВам выдали поезд %type%"
    command-raftShopDisabled: "&cДанный магазин в настоящее время отключен."
    command-raftGiven: "&aПлот выдан игроку %player%"
    command-raftTypeNotFound: "&cПлот не найден."
    command-giveRaftUsage: "&cИспользуй: /giveRaft <player> <raftType>"
    command-raftTypes: "&eТипы плотов: "
    command-getRaftUsage: "&cИспользуй: /getRaft <raftType>"
    command-getRaft: "&eВам выдали плот %type%"
    command-planeShopDisabled: "&cДанный магазин в настоящее время отключен."
    command-planeGiven: "&aСамолет выдан игроку %player%"
    command-planeTypeNotFound: "&cСамолет не найден."
    command-givePlaneUsage: "&cИспользуй: /givePlane <player> <planeType>"
    command-planeTypes: "&eТипы самолетов: "
    command-getPlaneUsage: "&cИспользуй: /getPlane <planeType>"
    command-getPlane: "&eВам выдади самолет %type%"
    command-parachuteShopDisabled: "&cДанный магазин в настоящее время отключен."
    command-parachuteGiven: "&aПарашут выдан %player%"
    command-parachuteTypeNotFound: "&cПарашут не найден."
    command-giveParachuteUsage: "&cИспользуй: /giveParachute <player> <parachuteType>"
    command-parachuteTypes: "&eТипы парашутов: "
    command-getParachuteUsage: "&cИспользуй: /getParachute <parachuteType>"
    command-getParachute: "&eВам выдали парашут %type%"
    command-helicopterShopDisabled: "&cДанный магазин в настоящее время отключен."
    command-helicopterGiven: "&aВертолет выдан игроку %player%"
    command-helicopterTypeNotFound: "&cВертолет не найден."
    command-giveHelicopterUsage: "&cИспользуй: /giveHelicopter <player> <helicopterType>"
    command-helicopterTypes: "&eТипы вертолетов: "
    command-getHelicopterUsage: "&cИспользуй: /getHelicopter <helicopterType>"
    command-getHelicopter: "&eВам выдали вертолет %type%"
    command-tankShopDisabled: "&cДанный магазин в настоящее время отключен."
    command-tankGiven: "&aТанк выдан игроку %player%"
    command-tankTypeNotFound: "&cТанк не найден."
    command-giveTankUsage: "&cИспользуй: /giveTank <player> <tankType>"
    command-tankTypes: "&eТипы танков: "
    command-getTankUsage: "&cИспользуй: /getTank <tankType>"
    command-getTank: "&eВам выдали танк %type%"
    command-submarineShopDisabled: "&cДанный магазин в настоящее время отключен."
    command-submarineGiven: "&aСубмарина выдана игроку %player%"
    command-submarineTypeNotFound: "&cСубмарина не найдена."
    command-giveSubmarineUsage: "&cИспользуй: /giveSubmarine <player> <submarineType>"
    command-submarineTypes: "&eТипы субмарин: "
    command-getSubmarineUsage: "&cИспользуй: /getSubmarine <submarineType>"
    command-getSubmarine: "&eВам выдали субмарину %type%"
    command-broomShopDisabled: "&cДанный магазин в настоящее время отключен."
    command-broomGiven: "&aМетла выдана игроку %player%"
    command-broomTypeNotFound: "&cМетла не найдена."
    command-giveBroomUsage: "&cИспользуй: /giveBroom <player> <broomType>"
    command-broomTypes: "&eТипы метел: "
    command-getBroomUsage: "&cИспользуй: /getBroom <broomType>"
    command-getBroom: "&eВам выдали метлу %type%"
    command-hoverbikeShopDisabled: "&cДанный магазин в настоящее время отключен."
    command-hoverbikeGiven: "&aХовербайк выдан игроку %player%"
    command-hoverbikeTypeNotFound: "&cХовербайк не найден."
    command-giveHoverBikeUsage: "&cИспользуй: /giveHoberBike <player> <hoverBikType>"
    command-hoverbikeTypes: "&eТипы ховербайков: "
    command-getHoverBikeUsage: "&cИспользуй: /getHoverBike <hoverBikeType>"
    command-getHoverBike: "&eВам выдали ховербайк %type%"
    command-vehicleClearUsage: "&cИспользуй /vehicleClear <radius> <optional: Remove not owned (true)>"
    command-vehicleClear: "&e%count% транспорта убрано!"
    command-mustBeRiding: "&cВы должны сидеть в транспорте для использования данной команды."
    command-vehicleRepaired: "&eТранспорт, на котором вы сидели, был починен."
    vehicle-fuel-empty: "&4&lТопливный бак пуст"
    vehicle-fuel-bar: "&eТопливо: &f<fuelPercentage>%"
    vehicle-fuel-iconBar-prefix: "&f["
    vehicle-fuel-iconBar-icon: "&a|"
    vehicle-fuel-iconBar-emptyIcon: "&7|"
    vehicle-fuel-iconBar-suffix: "&f]"
    vehicle-inventory-title: "&1Настройки транспорта"
    vehicle-inventory-fuel-name: "&eТекущее топливо: &f<fuelPercentage>%"
    vehicle-inventory-fuel-description: "&7Перетащите предметы сюда, чтобы добавить топливо."
    vehicle-inventory-fuel-full: "&cТопливный бак уже заполнен."
    vehicle-inventory-fuel-invalid-item: "&cДанный предмет не является топливом."
    vehicle-inventory-fuel-added: "&eТранспорт заправлен."
  5. Pelmeshik

    Pelmeshik Активный участник Пользователь

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