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Перевод Worldborder [cb 1.2.5-r1.0]

Тема в разделе "Неподтвержденные переводы", создана пользователем Aндрей_23, 17 май 2012.

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    Aндрей_23 Активный участник Пользователь

    Имя в Minecraft:
    Перевел плагин WorldBorder.
    P.S Это мой первый перевод.
    Команды (rus 10%)

    /wb - список доступных команд.
    Permission: worldborder.help
    /wb set <radius> - ограничить мир на n кол-во блоков от вас.
    /wb [worldname] set <radius> <x> <z> - установить границу мира по координатам X и Z от спавна.

    Permission: worldborder.set
    /wb [worldname] radius <radius> - изменить границы для этого мира.
    Permission: worldborder.radius
    /wb [worldname] clear - убрать ограничения для этого мира.
    /wb clear all - убрать все ограничения.

    Permission: worldborder.clear (both commands above)
    /wb list - посмотреть полную информацию обо всех ограничениях.
    Permission: worldborder.list
    /wb shape round - set the border shape to "round" (default).
    /wb shape square - set the border shape to "square".

    Permission: worldborder.shape (both commands above)
    /wb knockback <distance> - how far to move the player back inside the border when they cross it.
    Permission: worldborder.knockback
    /wb [worldname] fill [freq] [pad] - generate all missing chunks for this world, out to the border. Thefreq value is the number of times per second it will try to check/generate a chunk (default 20). For a server with players on it, you should probably stick with the default or possibly even a lower value. If you just want it to finish as quickly as possible, try 1000 or so. The pad value is how much of a buffer to add beyond your borders (default 208, should keep any more chunks from being generated by players).
    Permission: worldborder.fill
    /wb [worldname] trim [freq] [pad] - trim off extra chunks for this world, beyond the border. The freqvalue is the number of chunks per second it will try to check (default 5000). The pad value is how much of a buffer to keep beyond your borders (default 208, should keep any more chunks from being generated by players).
    Permission: worldborder.trim
    /wb wshape [worldname] <square|round> - Override the shape for this world only. The world needs to have already had a border set. The default shape used by other worlds (set via /wb shape) will not be changed by this.
    Permission: worldborder.wshape
    /wb getmsg - display the message shown to people who cross the border.
    Permission: worldborder.getmsg
    /wb setmsg <message> - change the border message.
    Permission: worldborder.setmsg
    /wb delay <amount> - the number of server ticks it will wait between border checks, the default is 4 ticks (200ms); each server tick is roughly 50ms.
    Permission: worldborder.delay
    /wb whoosh <on|off> - turn knockback "whoosh" effect on or off.
    Permission: worldborder.whoosh
    /wb reload - re-load data from config.yml. Normally should never be needed, but here just in case.
    Permission: worldborder.reload
    /wb debug <on|off> - turn console debug output on or off. Also should normally never be needed.
    Permission: worldborder.debug
    1. The /wb command is an alias of the main command /wborder, so unless another plugin interferes, you can use /wb and /wborder interchangeably. From the console, you'll of course need to leave off the "/" either way.
    2. If as a player you leave out [worldname], it will use the current world you're in; [worldname]is however required from the console.
    3. The <radius> and <amount> values must be a whole numbers (integers), but <x>, <z>, and<distance> can have a decimal point (they're doubles).
    4. A border radius is the distance the border is in each direction from the center (x and z), so for example a radius of 300 would cover a 600x600 area.
    /wb set 2000 - Sets a border for the current world with a radius of 2000, centered on exactly where you're standing.
    /wb netherworld set 250 -12.5 47.3 - Sets a border for the world named "netherworld" with a radius of 250 (area 500x500), centered at -12.5 (X) by 47.3 (Z).
    /wb shape round - Sets the border shape to "round" for all worlds.

    /wb wshape round - Sets the border shape for the current world to "round", not affecting the default shape used by other worlds.


    • WorldBorder.zip
      Размер файла:
      44,5 КБ
    zigzag, MACTEP, Constantin 449 и 11 другим нравится это.
  2. Хостинг MineCraft
  3. Мартун1998

    Мартун1998 Активный участник

    Имя в Minecraft:
    а что дает этот плагин?
  4. Автор темы

    Aндрей_23 Активный участник Пользователь

    Имя в Minecraft:
    Этот плагин ограничивает мир, чтобы лагов не было.
    Key: [optional value] <required value>
    /wb - list available commands like below (show help).
    Permission: worldborder.help
    /wb set <radius> - set world border of specified radius (in blocks), centered on you.
    /wb [worldname] set <radius> <x> <z> - set world border, with the x and z coordinates of the center specified.

    Permission: worldborder.set (both commands above)
    /wb [worldname] radius <radius> - change border radius for this world. The world needs to have already had a border set, since the x and z values are not modified.
    Permission: worldborder.radius
    /wb [worldname] clear - remove border for this world.
    /wb clear all - remove all borders for all worlds.

    Permission: worldborder.clear (both commands above)
    /wb list - show full border information for all worlds.
    Permission: worldborder.list
    /wb shape round - set the border shape to "round" (default).
    /wb shape square - set the border shape to "square".

    Permission: worldborder.shape (both commands above)
    /wb knockback <distance> - how far to move the player back inside the border when they cross it.
    Permission: worldborder.knockback
    /wb [worldname] fill [freq] [pad] - generate all missing chunks for this world, out to the border. Thefreq value is the number of times per second it will try to check/generate a chunk (default 20). For a server with players on it, you should probably stick with the default or possibly even a lower value. If you just want it to finish as quickly as possible, try 1000 or so. The pad value is how much of a buffer to add beyond your borders (default 208, should keep any more chunks from being generated by players).
    Permission: worldborder.fill
    /wb [worldname] trim [freq] [pad] - trim off extra chunks for this world, beyond the border. The freqvalue is the number of chunks per second it will try to check (default 5000). The pad value is how much of a buffer to keep beyond your borders (default 208, should keep any more chunks from being generated by players).
    Permission: worldborder.trim
    /wb wshape [worldname] <square|round> - Override the shape for this world only. The world needs to have already had a border set. The default shape used by other worlds (set via /wb shape) will not be changed by this.
    Permission: worldborder.wshape
    /wb getmsg - display the message shown to people who cross the border.
    Permission: worldborder.getmsg
    /wb setmsg <message> - change the border message.
    Permission: worldborder.setmsg
    /wb delay <amount> - the number of server ticks it will wait between border checks, the default is 4 ticks (200ms); each server tick is roughly 50ms.
    Permission: worldborder.delay
    /wb whoosh <on|off> - turn knockback "whoosh" effect on or off.
    Permission: worldborder.whoosh
    /wb reload - re-load data from config.yml. Normally should never be needed, but here just in case.
    Permission: worldborder.reload
    /wb debug <on|off> - turn console debug output on or off. Also should normally never be needed.
    Permission: worldborder.debug
  5. NaRk0t1k

    NaRk0t1k Активный участник Пользователь

    Имя в Minecraft:
    Эм, хотя бы что под спойлером на русском сделал)
  6. Автор темы

    Aндрей_23 Активный участник Пользователь

    Имя в Minecraft:
    Я перевёл. Скачай плагин напиши /wb там все на русском. Сегодня буду переводить плагин STAB.
  7. Автор темы

    Aндрей_23 Активный участник Пользователь

    Имя в Minecraft:
    7 раз скачали, а лайк никто не поставил.
  8. Mr_Dredd

    Mr_Dredd Активный участник Пользователь

    Прошу помощи, у меня проблема с ним. ставить и отменять границы могут ВСЕ пользователи, хотя в пермишенах у них "птичьи" права...
  9. Jampire

    Jampire Старожил Пользователь

    Имя в Minecraft:
    зачем изобретать велосипед снова и снова?)
  10. Mr_Dredd

    Mr_Dredd Активный участник Пользователь

    Весьма обширное описание, но, увы я так и не понял, как можно запретить пользоваться коммандами этого плагина обычным игрокам.
    UPD, сорри, разобрался, это у BorderGuard проблема, у WB все ок.
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