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Помогите Конфигурирование DynMap или надоели ошибки

Тема в разделе "[Архив] Помощь", создана пользователем RabiNet, 14 окт 2012.

  1. Автор темы

    RabiNet Активный участник Пользователь

    В общем я уже много раз встречаюсь с такой фигней при конфигурации различных плагинов, как зависимость этих самых конфигов от количества отступов и т.д. Если серверу что-то не нравится в конфиге, он вываливает тонну ошибок

    Вот сейчас, допустим настраиваю DynMap, конкретно worlds.txt. Синтексис, правила расстановки директив и параметров делаю по образцу. Допустим такая структура работает нормально:

      - name: "World"
        title: "Земной мир"
      - name: "World_nether"
        title: "Ад"
      - name: "World_skylands"
        title: "Небесный мир"
      - name: "World_the_end"
        title: "Мир Эндер"
    Затем пытаюсь добавить конфиги карт, получаем для земного мира следующее:

      - name: "World"
        title: "Земной мир"
            - class: org.dynmap.hdmap.HDMap
              name: flat
    При такой конструкции (сделано по образцу со всеми расстановками) вываливает ошибки в окне сервера типо таких:

    13:54:39 [SEVERE] Error occurred while enabling dynmap v0.80-1315 (Is it up to date?)
    while scanning for the next token
    found character '\t' that cannot start any token
    in "<reader>", line 125, column 3:
    - class: org.dynmap.hdmap.HDMap

    at org.yaml.snakeyaml.scanner.ScannerImpl.fetchMoreTokens(ScannerImpl.java:358)
    at org.yaml.snakeyaml.scanner.ScannerImpl.checkToken(ScannerImpl.java:179)
    at org.yaml.snakeyaml.parser.ParserImpl$ParseBlockMappingValue.produce(ParserImpl.java:591)


    at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.p(MinecraftServer.java:473)
    at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.run(MinecraftServer.java:405)
    at net.minecraft.server.ThreadServerApplication.run(SourceFile:539)

    если сделать неправильно, т.е. вот так, то все норм:

      - name: "World"
        title: "Земной мир"
    - class: org.dynmap.hdmap.HDMap
    Вроде бы ладно, далее пытаюсь продолжать составлять конфиг, сколько бы параметров не добавил ругается на самый первый - name:

      - name: "World"
        title: "Земной мир"
    - class: org.dynmap.hdmap.HDMap
        name: flat
    как только не двигал его, в любом случае что-то подобное выкидывает

    13:52:08 [SEVERE] Error occurred while enabling dynmap v0.80-1315 (Is it up to date?)
    while scanning for the next token
    found character '\t' that cannot start any token
    in "<reader>", line 126, column 1:
    name: flat

    at org.yaml.snakeyaml.scanner.ScannerImpl.fetchMoreTokens(ScannerImpl.java:358)
    at org.yaml.snakeyaml.scanner.ScannerImpl.checkToken(ScannerImpl.java:179)
    at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.run(MinecraftServer.java:405)
    at net.minecraft.server.ThreadServerApplication.run(SourceFile:539)

    Как с этой ерундой бороться? У меня уже нет ни малейшего представления о причинах этого...
  2. Хостинг MineCraft
  3. RikkiLook

    RikkiLook Старожил

    А откуда ты взял - class: org.dynmap.hdmap.HDMap? Он там нафиг не нужен. Да и вообще, что ты пытаешься сделать?
  4. Автор темы

    RabiNet Активный участник Пользователь

    Взял из примера в самом фале worlds.txt.
    Вот что там по дефолту:
    # These are examples of world-specific settings - customize your content as you see fit
    # NOTES:
    # All lines here are commented with the # symbol - delete the # symbol on copied lines you wish to enable
    # Definitions of a world made here will superecede any world definition with the same name in configuration.txt
    # Deleting this file will result in a fresh copy being produced by dynmap.jar on the next startup.
    # Worlds can be handled by templates, based on world type
    # You can override the properties of the template by specifying them in this section
    # for example 'Title: "My Awesome World"'
    #- name: world
    # title: "World"
    # Use 'enabled: false' to disable a certain world.
    # enabled: false
    # Use sendposition: false to prevent player positions from showing when on this world (if sendposition is globally enabled)
    # sendposition: false
    # Use sendhealth: false ot prevent player health from showing when on this world (if sendhealth is globally enabled)
    # sendhealth: false
    # # If world isn't contiguous chunks (due to teleporting, for example), fullrender needs to be given other locations to scan for tiles on each patch of chunks
    # fullrenderlocations:
    # - x: 10000
    # y: 64
    # z: 20000
    # - x: -15000
    # y: 64
    # z: -5000
    # # Use visibilitylimits to restrict which areas of maps on your world to render (zero or more rectangles can be defined)
    # visibilitylimits:
    # - x0: -1000
    # z0: -1000
    # x1: 1000
    # z1: 1000
    # - x0: -2000
    # z0: -1000
    # x1: -1000
    # z1: -500
    # # Use hiddenlimits to specifically hide portions of your world (the opposite of visibilitylimits)
    # hiddenlimits:
    # - x0: 100
    # z0: 0
    # x1: 200
    # z1: 0
    # # Use hidestyle to control how hidden-but-existing chunks are to be rendered (air=empty air (same as ungenerated), stone=a flat stone plain, ocean=a flat ocean)
    # hidestyle: stone
    # # Use 'autogenerate-to-visibilitylimits: true' to choose to force the generation of ungenerated chunks while rendering maps on this world, for any chunks within the defined
    # # visibilitylimits (limits must be set). The three options here are: none (default - no autogenerate), map-only (temporarily generate chunks for map, but don't save them (no world change),
    # # permanent (generate and save chunks - this permanently adds the chunks to the world, as if a player had visited them - BE SURE THIS IS WHAT YOU WANT)
    # autogenerate-to-visibilitylimits: map-only
    # Use 'template: mycustomtemplate' to use the properties specified in the template 'mycustomtemplate' to this world. Default it is set to the environment-name (normal or nether).
    # template: mycustomtemplate
    # Rest of comes from template - uncomment to tailor for world specifically
    # # World center - default is spawn point
    # center:
    # x: 0
    # y: 64
    # z: 0
    # # If bigworld set to true, use alternate directory layout better suited to large worlds
    # bigworld: true
    # # Number of extra zoom-out levels for world (each level is twice as big as the previous one)
    # extrazoomout: 3
    # maps:
    # - class: org.dynmap.hdmap.HDMap
    # name: flat
    # title: "Flat"
    # prefix: flat
    # perspective: iso_S_90_lowres
    # shader: stdtexture
    # lighting: shadows
    # mapzoomin: 1
    # - class: org.dynmap.hdmap.HDMap
    # name: surface
    # title: "Surface"
    # prefix: t
    # perspective: iso_SE_30_hires
    # shader: stdtexture
    # lighting: shadows
    # mapzoomin: 1
    # - class: org.dynmap.hdmap.HDMap
    # name: cave
    # title: "Cave"
    # prefix: ct
    # perspective: iso_SE_60_lowres
    # shader: cave
    # lighting: default
    # mapzoomin: 3
    # To just label world, and inherit rest from template, just provide name and title
    #- name: world2
    # title: "Second World"
    #- name: nether
    # title: "Nether"
    # center:
    # x: 0
    # y: 64
    # z: 0
    # # Number of extra zoom-out levels for world (each level is twice as big as the previous one)
    # extrazoomout: 3
    # maps:
    # - class: org.dynmap.hdmap.HDMap
    # name: flat
    # title: "Flat"
    # prefix: flat
    # perspective: iso_S_90_lowres
    # shader: stdtexture
    # lighting: nethershadows
    # # Map background color (day or night)
    # background: "#300806"
    # mapzoomin: 1
    # - class: org.dynmap.hdmap.HDMap
    # name: nether
    # title: "Surface"
    # prefix: nt
    # perspective: iso_SE_30_hires
    # shader: stdtexture
    # lighting: nethershadows
    # # Map background color (day or night)
    # background: "#300806"
    # mapzoomin: 1

    Я собственно пытаюсь сконфигурировать отображение карт (угол наклона, стороны света, качество и т.д.), что собственно и позволяет сделать этот конфиг
    caNek и Stalkerdeni971 нравится это.
  5. RikkiLook

    RikkiLook Старожил

    Хрен знает... Вот мой:
    # These are examples of world-specific settings - customize your content as you see fit
    # NOTES:
    # All lines here are commented with the # symbol - delete the # symbol on copied lines you wish to enable
    # Definitions of a world made here will superecede any world definition with the same name in configuration.txt
    # Deleting this file will result in a fresh copy being produced by dynmap.jar on the next startup.
    # Worlds can be handled by templates, based on world type
    # You can override the properties of the template by specifying them in this section
    # for example 'Title: "My Awesome World"'
    - name: world
    title: "Обычный мир"
    - name: world_nether
    title: "Нижний мир(Ад)"
    - name: world_the_end
    title: "Конец"
    # Use 'enabled: false' to disable a certain world.
    # enabled: false
    # Use sendposition: false to prevent player positions from showing when on this world (if sendposition is globally enabled)
    # sendposition: false
    # Use sendhealth: false ot prevent player health from showing when on this world (if sendhealth is globally enabled)
    # sendhealth: false
    # # If world isn't contiguous chunks (due to teleporting, for example), fullrender needs to be given other locations to scan for tiles on each patch of chunks
    # fullrenderlocations:
    # - x: 10000
    # y: 64
    # z: 20000
    # - x: -15000
    # y: 64
    # z: -5000
    # # Use visibilitylimits to restrict which areas of maps on your world to render (zero or more rectangles can be defined)
    # visibilitylimits:
    # - x0: -1000
    # z0: -1000
    # x1: 1000
    # z1: 1000
    # - x0: -2000
    # z0: -1000
    # x1: -1000
    # z1: -500
    # # Use hiddenlimits to specifically hide portions of your world (the opposite of visibilitylimits)
    # hiddenlimits:
    # - x0: 100
    # z0: 0
    # x1: 200
    # z1: 0
    # # Use hidestyle to control how hidden-but-existing chunks are to be rendered (air=empty air (same as ungenerated), stone=a flat stone plain, ocean=a flat ocean)
    # hidestyle: stone
    # # Use 'autogenerate-to-visibilitylimits: true' to choose to force the generation of ungenerated chunks while rendering maps on this world, for any chunks within the defined
    # # visibilitylimits (limits must be set). The three options here are: none (default - no autogenerate), map-only (temporarily generate chunks for map, but don't save them (no world change),
    # # permanent (generate and save chunks - this permanently adds the chunks to the world, as if a player had visited them - BE SURE THIS IS WHAT YOU WANT)
    # autogenerate-to-visibilitylimits: map-only
    # Use 'template: mycustomtemplate' to use the properties specified in the template 'mycustomtemplate' to this world. Default it is set to the environment-name (normal or nether).
    # template: mycustomtemplate
    # Rest of comes from template - uncomment to tailor for world specifically
    # # World center - default is spawn point
    # center:
    # x: 0
    # y: 64
    # z: 0
    # # If bigworld set to true, use alternate directory layout better suited to large worlds
    # bigworld: true
    # # Number of extra zoom-out levels for world (each level is twice as big as the previous one)
    # extrazoomout: 3
    # maps:
    # - class: org.dynmap.flat.FlatMap
    # name: Вид сверху
    # title: "Вид сверху"
    # prefix: flat
    # colorscheme: default
    # # The textured setting makes the flat render toning much more consistent with the other maps: set to 'none' for the original flat texture, 'smooth' for blended tile top colors, 'dither' for dither pattern
    # textured: smooth
    # # To render a world as a "night view", set shadowstrength and ambientlight
    # shadowstrength: 1.0
    # ambientlight: 4
    # # To render both night and day versions of tiles (when ambientlight is set), set true
    # night-and-day: true
    # # Option to turn on transparency support (off by default) - slows render
    # transparency: true
    # # Background color for map during the day
    # backgroundday: "#153E7E"
    # # Background color for map during the night
    # backgroundnight: "#000000"
    # # Backgrounc color for map (independent of night/day)
    # background: "#000000"
    # - class: org.dynmap.kzedmap.KzedMap
    # renderers:
    # - class: org.dynmap.kzedmap.DefaultTileRenderer
    # name: surface
    # title: "Surface"
    # prefix: t
    # maximumheight: 127
    # colorscheme: default
    # # Add shadows to world (based on top-down shadows from chunk data)
    # shadowstrength: 1.0
    # # To render a world as a "night view", set shadowstrength and ambientlight
    # ambientlight: 4
    # # To render both night and day versions of tiles (when ambientlight is set), set true
    # night-and-day: true
    # # Option to turn off transparency support (on by default) - speeds render
    # transparency: false
    # # Background color for map during the day
    # backgroundday: "#153E7E"
    # # Background color for map during the night
    # backgroundnight: "#000000"
    # # Backgrounc color for map (independent of night/day)
    # background: "#000000"
    # # Sets the icon to 'images/block_custom.png'
    # icon: custom
    # - class: org.dynmap.kzedmap.HighlightTileRenderer
    # prefix: ht
    # maximumheight: 127
    # colorscheme: default
    # highlight: # For highlighting multiple block-types.
    # - 56 # Highlight diamond-ore
    # - 66 # Highlight minecart track
    # highlight: 56 # For highlighting a single block-type.
    # - class: org.dynmap.kzedmap.CaveTileRenderer
    # name: cave
    # title: "Cave"
    # prefix: ct
    # maximumheight: 127
    # To just label world, and inherit rest from template, just provide name and title
    #- name: world2
    # title: "Second World"
    #- name: nether
    # title: "Nether"
    # center:
    # x: 0
    # y: 64
    # z: 0
    # # Number of extra zoom-out levels for world (each level is twice as big as the previous one)
    # extrazoomout: 3
    # maps:
    # - class: org.dynmap.flat.FlatMap
    # name: flat
    # title: "Flat"
    # prefix: flat
    # colorscheme: default
    # # The textured setting makes the flat render toning much more consistent with the other maps: set to 'none' for the original flat texture, 'smooth' for blended tile top colors, 'dither' for dither pattern
    # textured: smooth
    # - class: org.dynmap.kzedmap.KzedMap
    # renderers:
    # - class: org.dynmap.kzedmap.DefaultTileRenderer
    # name: nether
    # title: "Surface"
    # prefix: nt
    # maximumheight: 127
    # colorscheme: default
  6. Автор темы

    RabiNet Активный участник Пользователь

    Ну так у тебя только названия миров заданы, у меня это тоже нормально работает. Вот когда уже пытаешь добавить инфу по картам (подраздел каждого мира, в земном мире это плоская поверхность, объемная и пещеры), то начинается веселье все...
    ПриветОтМиднайта нравится это.
  7. SJloHik

    SJloHik Активный участник Пользователь

    Имя в Minecraft:
    Русские название,преобразуй в UTF-8 (без BOM) и всё зароботает
    RabiNet нравится это.

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