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Перевод [ADMIN] PingTab v1.3.0 - Работа с пингом игроков [1.7.2]

Тема в разделе "Неподтвержденные переводы", создана пользователем olegcode, 9 окт 2015.

  1. Автор темы

    olegcode Новичок Пользователь

    Имя в Minecraft:
    1. Название: PingTab
    2. Описание: Плагин предназначенный для быстрой и лёгкой работой с пингом игроков на вашем сервере Minecraft!
    3. Ссылка на DEV.BUKKIT плагина: http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/pingtab/
    4. Ссылка на переведённый плагин от olegcode (Само рекламы нет! Ничего лишнего только сам плагин): https://www.dropbox.com/s/xjh0xf4pm8if66i/RuPingTab.rar?dl=0
    Permission Nodes
    • pingtab.* - Allow all users to use all commands
    • pingtab.default - Default configuration
    • pingtab.showscoreboard - Allow a user to see the PingTab scoreboard
    • pingtab.ping - Allow a user to use the /ping command
    • pingtab - Allow a user to use the /pingtab command
    • pingtab.reload - Allow a user to use the /pingtab reload command
    • pingtab.checkupdate - Allow a user to use the /pingtab checkupdate command
    • pingtab.update - Allow a user to use the /pingtab update command
    Default Permissions
    • pingtab: Anyone
    • pingtab.showscoreboard: Anyone
    • pingtab.ping: Anyone
    • pingtab.reload: Op only
    • pingtab.checkupdate: Op only
    • pingtab.update: Op only

    Default config.yml

    # PingTab v1.3.0

    # AutoUpdate: Enable/Disable auto update checking
    AutoUpdate: true

    # AutoDownloadUpdate: Enable/Disable auto downloading new updates, when disabled warns
    # you about new versions
    AutoDownloadUpdate: false

    # Interval: Ping Measurement interval in seconds
    Interval: 3

    # DisableTab: Disable the tab portion of the plugin.
    DisableTab: false

    # ShowPluginNameOnMessages: Show the plugin name on messages sent to the players
    # and console. Please leave this option enabled so
    # more people will know about this plugin!
    ShowPluginNameOnMessages: false

    # ColoredPingParameter: Make the %ping parameter on messages to be automatically
    # colored based on it's value.
    ColoredPingParameter: true

    # GoodPing: Pings below this number will be printed as green in the /ping command.
    GoodPing: 200

    # MediumPing: Pings below this number will be printed as gold in the /ping command.
    # If the ping gets over this number, it will be printed in red .
    MediumPing: 500

    # OwnPingMessage: Message that is sent to the player when he check it's own
    # ping with /ping. Color codes are supported using & character.
    # Parameters: %ping - Ping Measured
    OwnPingMessage: "Yourpingis%pingms"

    # PingMessage: Message that is sent to player when he check anothe player's
    # ping with /ping. Color codes are supported using & character.
    # Parameters: %playername - Player Name
    # %ping - Ping Measured
    PingMessage: "%playername'spingis%pingms"

    # AlertPlayers: Alert players about high latency (Default: true)
    AlertPlayers: true

    # AlertThreshold: Players with the ping higher than this will be alerted.
    AlertThreshold: 1000

    # AlertInterval: The interval, in minutes, for the alerts to be sent.
    AlertInterval: 5

    # AlertMessage: The message that will be sent to the user on the alert event.
    # Color codes are supported using & character.
    # Parameters: %playername - Player Name
    # %ping - Ping Measured
    # %threshold - Threshold Set
    AlertMessage: "%playername,yourlatencyof%pingisabove%threshold!"
    • /ping - Check your ping
    • /ping <nickname> - Check player ping
    Надеюсь вам понравится и вы поставите лайк :)
    Последнее редактирование: 22 окт 2015
  2. Хостинг MineCraft
  3. TanD

    TanD Активный участник Пользователь

    Имя в Minecraft:
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    Из описания ничего не понял...
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