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Помогите Authme не может подключиться к MySQL.

Тема в разделе "Помощь", создана пользователем Maxiden4ik, 6 окт 2020.

  1. Автор темы

    Maxiden4ik Ньюби

    Имя в Minecraft:
    Здравствуйте, делаю банджи-сервер, состоящий из сервера авторизации, хаба и выживания. Пытаюсь приконектить AuthMe к базе данных сервера авторизации, если что, я уже на хостинге, а ничего не выходит. Прошу мне помочь. На бандже стоит AuthMe Bridge, но он ни на что не влияет. Конфиг AuthMe снизу. Пытался приконнектить AuthMe к бандже, успехом не увенчалось, спасибо.
        # What type of database do you want to use?
        # Valid values: SQLITE, MYSQL, POSTGRESQL
        backend: mysql
        # Enable the database caching system, should be disabled on bungeecord environments
        # or when a website integration is being used.
        caching: true
        # Database host address
        mySQLHost: ****************
        # Database port
        mySQLPort: '3306'
        # Connect to MySQL database over SSL
        mySQLUseSSL: false
        # Verification of server's certificate.
        # We would not recommend to set this option to false.
        # Set this option to false at your own risk if and only if you know what you're doing
        mySQLCheckServerCertificate: true
        # Username to connect to the MySQL database
        mySQLUsername: *********
        # Password to connect to the MySQL database
        mySQLPassword: '*********'
        # Database Name, use with converters or as SQLITE database name
        mySQLDatabase: ********
        # Table of the database
        mySQLTablename: authme
        # Column of IDs to sort data
        mySQLColumnId: id
        # Column for storing or checking players nickname
        mySQLColumnName: username
        # Column for storing or checking players RealName
        mySQLRealName: realname
        # Column for storing players passwords
        mySQLColumnPassword: password
        # Column for storing players passwords salts
        mySQLColumnSalt: ''
        # Column for storing players emails
        mySQLColumnEmail: email
        # Column for storing if a player is logged in or not
        mySQLColumnLogged: isLogged
        # Column for storing if a player has a valid session or not
        mySQLColumnHasSession: hasSession
        # Column for storing a player's TOTP key (for two-factor authentication)
        mySQLtotpKey: totp
        # Column for storing the player's last IP
        mySQLColumnIp: ip
        # Column for storing players lastlogins
        mySQLColumnLastLogin: lastlogin
        # Column storing the registration date
        mySQLColumnRegisterDate: regdate
        # Column for storing the IP address at the time of registration
        mySQLColumnRegisterIp: regip
        # Column for storing player LastLocation - X
        mySQLlastlocX: x
        # Column for storing player LastLocation - Y
        mySQLlastlocY: y
        # Column for storing player LastLocation - Z
        mySQLlastlocZ: z
        # Column for storing player LastLocation - World Name
        mySQLlastlocWorld: world
        # Column for storing player LastLocation - Yaw
        mySQLlastlocYaw: yaw
        # Column for storing player LastLocation - Pitch
        mySQLlastlocPitch: pitch
        # Column for storing players uuids (optional)
        mySQLPlayerUUID: ''
        # Overrides the size of the DB Connection Pool, default = 10
        poolSize: 10
        # The maximum lifetime of a connection in the pool, default = 1800 seconds
        # You should set this at least 30 seconds less than mysql server wait_timeout
        maxLifetime: 1800
        # Column for storing players groups
        mySQLColumnGroup: ''
        # -1 means disabled. If you want that only activated players
        # can log into your server, you can set here the group number
        # of unactivated users, needed for some forum/CMS support
        nonActivedUserGroup: -1
        # Other MySQL columns where we need to put the username (case-sensitive)
        mySQLOtherUsernameColumns: []
        # How much log2 rounds needed in BCrypt (do not change if you do not know what it does)
        bCryptLog2Round: 10
        # phpBB table prefix defined during the phpBB installation process
        phpbbTablePrefix: phpbb_
        # phpBB activated group ID; 2 is the default registered group defined by phpBB
        phpbbActivatedGroupId: 2
        # IP Board table prefix defined during the IP Board installation process
        IPBTablePrefix: ipb_
        # IP Board default group ID; 3 is the default registered group defined by IP Board
        IPBActivatedGroupId: 3
        # Xenforo table prefix defined during the Xenforo installation process
        XFTablePrefix: xf_
        # XenForo default group ID; 2 is the default registered group defined by Xenforo
        XFActivatedGroupId: 2
        # Wordpress prefix defined during WordPress installation
        wordpressTablePrefix: wp_
    # Converter settings: see https://github.com/AuthMe/AuthMeReloaded/wiki/Converters
            # Rakamak file name
            fileName: users.rak
            # Rakamak use IP?
            useIP: false
            # Rakamak IP file name
            ipFileName: UsersIp.rak
            # CrazyLogin database file name
            fileName: accounts.db
            # LoginSecurity: convert from SQLite; if false we use MySQL
            useSqlite: true
                # LoginSecurity MySQL: database host
                host: ''
                # LoginSecurity MySQL: database name
                database: ''
                # LoginSecurity MySQL: database user
                user: ''
                # LoginSecurity MySQL: password for database user
                password: ''
  2. Хостинг MineCraft

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