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[GEN/ADMN] Vote v1.3.2_06 - Голосования на сервере! [0.1][1.3.2-R1.0]

Тема в разделе "Релизы переводов", создана пользователем Pablo, 15 окт 2012.

  1. Автор темы

    Pablo Старожил Пользователь

    Имя в Minecraft:
    Версия: v1.3.2_06

    Плагин позволяет создавать голосования на вашем сервере!

    • Голосование о бане.
    • Голосование о сменах погоды. (дождь, солнце, день, ночь)
    • Голосование о кике.
    • Голосование о рестарте сервера.
    • /vote yes/y - Отдать положительный голос.
    • /vote no/n - Отдать отрицательный голос.
    • /vote [votename] - "/vote restart" запустить голосование о рестарте сервера. "/vote kick rabidcrab" запустить голосование о кике игрока "rabidcrab".
    • /vote veto - Отменить все голосования.
    • vote.voteyes.[votename] - Разрешить игрокам голосовать положительно.
    • vote.voteno.[votename] - Разрешить игрокам голосовать отрицательно.
    • vote.startvote.[votename] - Разрешить игрокам создавать голосования.
    • vote.unkickable - Дает право игроку на анти-кик..
    • vote.unbannable - Дает право игроку на анти-бан.
    • vote.veto - Разрешить игроку убирать голосования.
    Ссылка на оригинальную тему.

    Лог изменений:
    Версия: 1.3.2_03 - 1.3.2_06
    The config.yml now automatically updates to the latest version without deleting your changes/additions.
    Admins can now veto votes by default.
    /vote yes, /vote no, /vote list, and /vote veto can be customized, allowing you to make it into any language you want.
    Версия: 1.3.2_02
    Added the IsConsoleCommand option for every vote. This allows the player to specify that they want the console to execute the commands. [COLOR=#ff0000]DUE TO THIS CHANGE, YOU NEED TO ADD "IsConsoleCommand: true" TO KICK, BAN, AND RESTART. ADD "IsConsoleCommand: false" TO RAIN, SUN, DAY AND NIGHT IN YOUR CONFIG.YML. EITHER THAT OR DELETE YOUR CONFIG.YML.[/COLOR]
    Версия: 1.3.2_01
    The player who starts the vote will now have their name displayed during the start message. So instead of "A vote has started!", it will now say "Rabidcrab has started a vote to do such and such!"
    История версий:
    Version 1.3.1_05
    • Fixed issue with plugin not loading properly.
    Version 1.3.1_04
    • Updated for 1.3.1-R2.0. I will update for 1.3.2 as soon as a beta build is available.
    Version 1.3.1_02
    • Added Vault support for permissions management.
    • Added fully customizable color formatting to all messages.
    Version 1.2
    • Added permissions vote.unkickable and vote.unbannable so that players can be immune to kicks and bans.
    • Added "player not found" warning when attempting to kick or ban a player that couldn't be found online.
    • You must delete Config.yml in the Vote folder so a new one can be created if you upgrade from a previous version.
    Version 1.1
    • Added sun and rain votes. I knew it was coming.
    • Players will now only see the list of votes they can start a vote on. The others will be hidden from view.
    • You must delete Config.yml in the Vote folder so a new one can be created if you upgrade from a previous version.
    Version 1.0
    • Added ability to pass parameters to commands
    • You must delete Config.yml in the Vote folder so a new one can be created if you upgrade from a previous version.
    Version 0.8
    • Added cancel option to vote
    • Added IgnoreUnvotedPlayers to each vote. It defaults to true for every default vote
    Version 0.7
    • Updated for 900+ bukkit.
    Version 0.6
    • Non-console commands will now execute using the first op in the ops.txt. Make sure that the ops have admin permissions if you have permissions installed!
    • A typo was causing parts of permissions to not work correctly. Permissions should now be 100% working as intended.
    Version 0.5
    • Had to create a wrapper class to fix the plugin crashing if permissions didn't exist.
    • Code that broadcasted debugging code has been removed.
    Version 0.4
    • Permissions are now fixed (yay!)
    • Fixed issue with vote names getting cut short at times.
    • The config.yml is no longer case sensitive.
    Version 0.3
    • Removed the start argument. It's now /vote restart, /vote day, /vote night, etc.
    • Permission vote.voteyes and vote.voteno need to be changed to vote.voteyes.* and vote.voteno.* respectively.
    • You can now deny or allow players from voting for specific votes. I.E users can be denied the right to vote for restarts, but can vote for day/night.
    • Added /vote day, /vote night. /vote kick, /vote ban, /vote storm and /vote sun are still in the works, but coming soon.
    • If you had too many custom votes, you'd get spammed that it doesn't exist, yet it worked fine. You no longer get chat spam.
    • When starting a vote, the messages were off. Fixed the order.
    Version 0.2
    • Added helpful hints to commands.
    • You can now see descriptions of the types of votes allowed by doing /vote start ?.
    • Moved all text into Config.yml.
    • When the majority of the users have voted and it's a guaranteed yes/no, the vote will complete immediately.
    • The yml objects are case sensitive. Changed all parent nodes to lowercase for easier use (WARNING: THEY'RE STILL CASE SENSITIVE. I'll have to make a wrapper to bypass the case sensitivity).
    • The cooldown on starting another vote is now used.
    • Added custom cooldown text info.
    • The cooldown is now used when a vote finishes.
    • A user voting then logging out no longer skews the votes.
    • If a player changes their vote, it actually does what it says and changes their vote.
    • Added following Config.yml values
      • default.PlayerVoteChanged - Upon the player changing their vote, this text is displayed to the player.
      • default.PlayerVoteStartNoPermission - If a player can't start a vote, this is displayed to the player.
      • default.PlayerVoteNoPermission - If a player can't vote, this is displayed to the player.
      • vote.VoteOnCooldownText - If the vote is on cooldown, this is displayed to the player.
      • vote.LastFailedVote - A number representing the last time a vote was called that failed.
      • vote.LastSuccessfulVote - A number representing the last time a vote was called that succeeded.
      • vote.Description - A description of the vote that the player will see in the help.
      • help.GeneralHelpNotFound - If there's no general help, this is displayed.
      • help.VoteStartHelpNotFound - If there's no types of votes available for users to start, this is displayed
      • help.GeneralCommands - Displayed to the user when /vote ? or /vote with not arguments is sent by user. I have a feeling there's probably a Bukkit class that mimics this somewhere, but I figured this works well enough.
    Version 0.1
    • First release

    Что планируется:
    • Allows you to create your own votes that can even run commands from other plugins.
    • You can specify what command(s) to execute and in what order for both a successful and failed vote.
    • Fully implements Vault for a multitude of permissions plugins. It will default to Bukkit permissions if Vault is not found.
    • You can choose what percentage it takes for a vote to succeed, and the minimum number of players it takes to succeed for each type of vote.
    • Fully customizable notifications.
    • You can pass any number of parameters you want.
    • Default votes are: Day, night, sun, rain, kick, and ban.
    • Color support has been added.
    • Admins can immediately cancel votes.
    GrimJoy, Remmi, Egor33345 и ещё 1-му нравится это.
  2. Хостинг MineCraft
  3. Sanchez218

    Sanchez218 Старожил Пользователь

    Имя в Minecraft:
    Плагин полезный, особенно о рестарте сервера, хотелось бы еще голосование о бане :)
    Кик тоже подойдет :)
  4. Автор темы

    Pablo Старожил Пользователь

    Имя в Minecraft:
    Голосование о бане есть.
  5. Автор темы

    Pablo Старожил Пользователь

    Имя в Minecraft:
    Прошу модераторов перенести тему в релизы.:)
  6. Sanchez218

    Sanchez218 Старожил Пользователь

    Имя в Minecraft:
    Теперь так лучше :)
  7. xXxRUSxXx

    xXxRUSxXx Активный участник

    Имя в Minecraft:
    Я всгда искал этот плагин!
  8. DIABLO21

    DIABLO21 Активный участник

    Не запускается голосование
    I-Am-Black-Overlord нравится это.
  9. Remmi

    Remmi Активный участник

    Имя в Minecraft:
    На сервер поставил,все идет автору спс!

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