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Ищу плагин Лаги ---

Тема в разделе "[Архив] Помощь", создана пользователем Raunchy, 20 янв 2012.

  1. Raunchy

    Raunchy Guest

    Приветствую. Есть ли плагины, которые тем или иным образом снижают лаги на сервере, если есть, то просьба приводить их описание. Спасибо
  2. Хостинг MineCraft
  3. Blink

    Blink Старожил Пользователь

  4. Raunchy

    Raunchy Guest

    Описание, плиз. Конкретнее, за счет чего становится меньше лагов?
  5. Blink

    Blink Старожил Пользователь

    I had already made this plugin before after having a major lag issue. (lots of torches being filled, turned into items, lag for 20 minutes) It also works for 1060.

    Some feature ideas are taken over from PerformanceTweaks by @LexManos so some credit goes to him. Code, however, written from scratch by me.

    Important: use the latest recommended CraftBukkit build with this plugin, do NOT (and I SAY NOT!) use versions below or above. Doing so can result in internal (sensitive) implementations to fail, which can cause some serious issues, including but not limited to: Chunk corruption, tick rate drops, error spam, unexpected crashes. So therefore, before you download and use this plugin, check if you use the correct CraftBukkit version.

    Note: When first using this, please make a backup of your worlds. It deals with chunk loading and saving, if a CraftBukkit version or another plugin breaks something this can cause corrupted or lost chunks.

    NoLagg's features in a nutshell


    Buffer the spawned items

    Every time an item gets spawned, it is buffered per chunk. For example, you spawn 30 items using Q and the maximum allowed items per chunk is 20, then the 10 remaining items are not spawned. They are spawned as soon the item count in this chunk is < 20 again. On top of that, it will spawn the item as a stack, not individual items. This means it will spawn a single stack of 10 items.

    It automatically spawns the buffered items if this is possible for a chunk. This also fixes the lag fest occurring in 1.8. (exp. orbs) without actually removing the orbs. Buffered items are spawned and re-collected during load and unload of the plugin, so it will fix massive spawns during loads too.

    Form item stacks - fully automatically

    Whenever two or more (configurable) items or experience orbs get near each other, they form a single stack of that item type. If someone drops 64 dirt blocks on the ground using Q, it will show a single item of 64 dirt instead. This can truly reduce client lag, you can compare it to the lag occurring whenever someone decides to replace blocks to torches.

    Buffer TNT ignites

    This plugin takes over tnt ignition caused by explosions. When exploding stacks of tnt, it does not rush all tnts into a single tick, but detonate them nicely in sync. This results in pretty awesome fireworks.

    Keep chunks loaded

    Since 1.1 you can set a delay for chunks to stay loaded. You can use this to keep commonly-visited chunks in memory and prevent them from unloading and loading frequently.

    Load corrupted chunks

    This plugin fixes chunk issues the native server fails to do by itself. It handles chunks stored at wrong locations (relocating) and chunks not stored in the correct GZIP format. The native server would crash if a chunk is wrongly stored, this plugin will properly handle this event. The buffered chunk loader has to be enabled for this to work.

    Global auto-saver

    Since asynchronous chunk saving is now implemented internally, it is no longer a problem to save entire worlds frequently. You can set auto-save intervals in the configuration. If used with an interval higher than 400 ticks (20 seconds) it will use a scheduled task instead of the internal saver to prevent chunks never getting saved. Another benefit is that player information is also auto-saved, preventing your players losing their inventory state.

    Memory management: memory pools

    Chunks and chunk packet data is managed, reducing the rate at which the memory usage increases. This benefits CPU usage, chunk and packet creation times and thus the tick rate. It also reduces the amount of memory you need to allocate, since a lot less 'garbage' data is created by the server.

    Fix chunk lighting information

    Whenever a new chunk is generated, it's lighting information is generated and all nearby players receive the updated chunk data. If the auto-method fails, you can use /nolagg fix to do it manually.

    Set entity spawn limits

    You can set a spawn limit on virtually every entity in the game. From mobs to items to TNT. Only thing being excluded is Players, since I can't simply kick someone 'like that'.

    New chunk sending mechanics

    Instead of loading chunks all around the player, the player direction is used to load the visible chunks first. This means that players can expect chunks in front of them to load quickly, while chunks on the sides take a bit longer to appear. When the player looks into another direction, the direction changes and thus the new visible chunks get loaded first. Only if all chunks ahead of the player are loaded, chunks around the player are sent. This all can be configured using a simple minimum and maximum sending rate.

    Since the latest update (1.51), the technique of @Thulinma is used (altering and using the chunk queue), which made the need for Spout go away and made everything smoother in general. Great thanks go for him for that idea

    Prevent cross-thread access for events

    As it seems, some plugins don't follow the rules and use Bukkit methods in another thread. This plugin will notify you and cancel if possible whenever this happens so other plugins understand their mistake. If you encounter an error, first check the stack trace for the plugin that caused the error. Report this error to the author or remove the plugin. If you are a developer and you think that you did nothing wrong or don't know what you did wrong, feel free to PM me. If you are a server admin and have questions about the error and what the effects are on your server, feel free to reply in this thread so I can 'investigate'.
    Raunchy нравится это.
  6. Raunchy

    Raunchy Guest

    Способ роботы плагина:
    Плагин не дает взорваться тнт одновремено больше чем 20!
    Не дают спавнится быстро мобом в одном месте!

    @Blink, Спасибо.
    Есть еще какие-нибудь?
  7. Blink

    Blink Старожил Пользователь

    Больше не знаю, может еще кто нибудь подскажет :)
  8. gogapolo

    gogapolo Активный участник

  9. dentk

    dentk Активный участник Пользователь

    Еще очень хороший omglag. Там есть одна команда /omglag , уменьшает лаги на сервере.
  10. Raunchy

    Raunchy Guest

    За счет чего????

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