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Помогите MyItems - плагин на рпг вещи, конфиг, урон

Тема в разделе "Помощь", создана пользователем LkidAbyzzer, 24 авг 2020.

  1. Автор темы

    LkidAbyzzer Ньюби

    Имя в Minecraft:
    Пожалуйста помогите с плагином MyItems. Сам плагин шикарный, но он меняет полностью урон на сервере. В курсах, знаю что можно настроить, пытался, но подобрать значение практически нереально. То меч алм о5 бьёт очерь жестко, то каменный меч ели пробивает алмазку и другие подобные проблемы, настроить очень тяжко. Кто-то может скинуть нормальный конфиг MyItems? Или хотяб помочь настроить или отключить модификацию урона (modus_Value: 32). Именно нужно, чтоб сам плагин не менял урон на сервере.

    Вот мой конфиг:
    #-----=====[ Language ]=====-----#

    locale: en
    #Available Language: {en}

    #-----=====[ Holder ]=====-----#

    enable_Vanilla_Modifier: true
    #If false, vanilla damage will not working

    enable_Vanilla_Formula_Armor: true
    #If false, vanilla protection will not working

    enable_CustomLore_Modifier: true
    #Enable feature attribute from this plugin

    enable_Balancing_System: true
    #Damage will set to balance

    enable_Balancing_MobDamage: true
    #Mob receive damage will set to balance based on vanilla

    enable_Particle_Potion: false
    #Show default particle when using buff/ability that implement vanilla potion

    enable_OffHand_Ability: true
    #if false, ability from offhand will not working

    enable_Item_Broken: true
    #if true, item will broken when lore durability reach zero

    custom_Critical: true
    #Custom critical effect

    custom_Critical_Vanilla: true
    #Allow vanilla item to cast custom critical

    custom_Mob_Modifier: true
    #If you're server using plugin that modify damage mob (Great Damage), enable this.
    #Enable this state to allow mob using custom items.
    #Note: If Mob Modifier is false, Custom Lore Stats defense from victims will not affected, but buffs & ability still work,
    #~~~~~ this is to avoid overpowered armor for pure vanilla mob!.

    #-----=====[ Set-up ]=====-----#

    critical_Attack: "Effect"
    #Available: Effect, Messages. (Only work when custom_Critical: true)
    #- Effect: Critical with particle and sound explosion
    #- Messages: Send message to attacker when critical is casted

    Interval: 100
    #in ticks, higher value will reduce lag but less accurate

    max_Level_Value: 20
    #Max level for item

    Effect_Range: 50
    #Max distance to play sound and particle effect

    modus_Value: 32
    #Normal damage value in your server

    #Ex. You want to create server with most of your weapon damage value range around 50,
    #so put the value in modus_Value to 50.

    #This is very important because this value will towards a balanced server.
    #If you change too small or too high depends on your server, your server will be unbalanced
    #because this value used as formula damage for vanilla & custom modifier!

    #Formula: "Damage / (1+Math.log10(1+(10*defense/modus_Value))"
    #Balancing: "Damage * 10 / modus_Value"

    #-----=====[ Modifier ]=====-----#

    scale_Damage_Vanilla: 1.0
    #Damage from vanilla that will affect

    scale_Damage_Custom: 1.0
    #Damage from custom stats

    scale_Damage_Overall: 1.0
    #Final damage

    scale_Defense_Overall: 0.5
    #Damage reduction based on defense

    scale_OffHand_Value: 0.5
    #Damage will added from offhand

    scale_Absorb_Effect: 5
    #Damage will transfer to absorb point. ex: 0.8 mean 20% damage to health and 80% to absorb point

    scale_Stats_Up: 0.05
    #Stats will increase every item is level up

    scale_Mob_Damage_Receive: 1.0
    #Mobs damage receive

    scale_Exp_OffHand: 0.5
    #Exp will gain for OffHand scaled on base exp

    scale_Exp_Armor: 0.2
    #Exp will gain for Armor scaled on base exp

    #-----=====[ Format ]=====-----#

    Stats_Format: "&8* <stats>: &d<value>"
    # PlaceHolder Stats_Format:
    # <stats> = Key Stats
    # <value> = Value Stats

    Stats_Exp_Format: "&7[&d<exp>&7/&d<up>&7]"
    # PlaceHolder Format Exp:
    # <exp> = Current Exp
    # <up> = Exp to level up

    Buffs_Format: "&dGrants <buffs>"
    # PlaceHolder Buffs_Format:
    # <buffs> = Key Buffs

    Ability_Format: "&c* Способность: &f<ability> &8&l[&c<chance>&8&l]"
    # PlaceHolder Ability:
    # <chance> = Chance to activate ability
    # <ability> = Key ability

    Power_Format: "&6<click>&f&l: &7<type> &8&l[&c<cooldown> Seconds&8&l]"
    # PlaceHolder Power:
    # <click> : Type of interact click
    # <type> : Type key of power
    # <cooldown> : Cooldown of power

    #Note: All PlaceHolder must be placed because used for keysearching value!

    #-----=====[ Code ]=====-----#

    Positive_Value: "&d"
    Negative_Value: "&c"
    Range_Symbol: " &8- "
    Divider_Symbol: "&8/"
    Multiplier_Symbol: "&dx"

    #-----=====[ Exp Drops ]=====-----#

    exp_Player: 5
    exp_Mobs: 1

    #-----=====[ Click ]=====-----#

    Left_Click: "Left Click"
    Right_Click: "Right Click"
    Shift_Left_Click: "S-Left Click"
    Shift_Right_Click: "S-Right Click"

    #-----=====[ Stats ]=====-----#

    Damage: "Урон"
    Defense: "Защита"
    Critical_Chance: "Шанс крита"
    Critical_Damage: "Крит урон"
    Durability : "Прочность"
    Level : "Лвл"

    #-----=====[ Buff ]=====-----#

    Strength: "Strength"
    Protection: "Protection"
    Vision: "Vision"
    Jump: "Jump"
    Absorb: "Absorb"
    Fire_Resist: "Fire Resistance"
    Health_Boost: "Health"
    Invisibility: "Invisibility"
    Luck: "Luck"
    Regeneration: "Regeneration"
    Saturation: "Saturation"
    Speed: "Movement"
    Water_Breathing: "Water Breathing"
    Haste: "Haste"

    #-----=====[ Ability Weapon ]=====-----#

    Poison: "Poison"
    Wither: "Wither"
    Lightning: "Lightning"
    Cannibalism: "Cannibalism"
    Vampirism: "Vampirism"
    Freeze: "Freeze"
    Roots: "Roots"
    Curse: "Curse"
    Slowness: "Slowness"
    Fatigue: "Tired"
    Nausea: "Confuse"
    Weakness: "Weakness"
    Blind: "Blindness"
    Hungry: "Hunger"
    Levitation: "Levitation"
    Bad_Luck: "Bad Luck"
    Harm: "Harm"
    Flame_Wheel: "Flame Wheel"
    Air_Shock: "Air Shock"
    Dark_Flame: "Dark Flame"
    Venom_Spread: "Venom Spread"
    Bubble_Deflector: "Bubble Deflector"

    #-----=====[ Projectile ]=====-----#

    Projectile_Arrow: "Arrow"
    Projectile_SnowBall: "SnowBall"
    Projectile_WitherSkull: "Wither Skull"
    Projectile_Small_Fireball: "Small Fireball"
    Projectile_Large_Fireball: "Large Fireball"

    #-----=====[ Contact ]=====-----#

    #Please Contact me if you found any bug, or you want to get more features, Or you can give me a suggestion.
    #Contact FB: https://www.facebook.com/praya.pitasa

    Пожалуйста помогите. Расставаться с лпганом не хочется, о нлучше среди подобных себе
    Последнее редактирование: 24 авг 2020
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