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Помогите Не работает titlemanager 2.1.6, точнее привилегия не отображается цветом из LP

Тема в разделе "Помощь", создана пользователем testersha, 17 сен 2022.

  1. Автор темы

    testersha Ньюби

    Имя в Minecraft:
    # +------------------------------------------------------+ #
    # | Notes | #
    # +------------------------------------------------------+ #
    # Config comment style borrowed from the Essentials config.
    # If you want to use special characters (ASCII, UTF-8 characters) in the config, you need to save the file as UTF-8.
    # - If you don't know how this is done, you can see the guide on the wiki: https://github.com/Puharesource/TitleManager/wiki/Unicode---UTF-8-characters-for-TitleManager
    # Config errors, such as the plugin not loading or the config resetting can be fixed by ensuring that:
    # - No tabs are present: YAML only allows spaces.
    # - You have escaped all apostrophes or quotes in your text:
    # - If you surround your text with apostrophes like this 'don't', double all of your apostrophes like this: 'don''t'
    # - If you surround your text with quotes like this "Quote: "hello"", switch to apostrophes instead like this 'Quite: "hello"'.
    # If you've got problems:
    # - Join the Discord server here: https://discord.gg/NwdtW2d
    # - Write a ticket on the Issue Tracker here: https://github.com/Puharesource/TitleManager/issues
    # 1 second = 20 ticks
    # For more information check: https://github.com/Puharesource/TitleManager/wiki
    # +------------------------------------------------------+ #
    # | General | #
    # +------------------------------------------------------+ #
    # Never change this value
    config-version: 5
    # Toggles debug mode, which prints additional information when the plugin does something.
    debug: false
    # Toggles whether or not all of the features of TitleManager will be toggled.
    using-config: true
    # Toggles whether or not all of the BungeeCord functionality will be toggled.
    using-bungeecord: false
    # (Feature only works on 1.7-1.8 Protocol Hack)
    # Toggles whether or not 1.7 players will see actionbar messages when they're holding an item.
    legacy-client-support: false
    # Toggles whether or not the plugin should warn administrators if there's a new version out.
    check-for-updates: true
    # The locale used for some of the placeholders.
    locale: 'en-US'
    # +------------------------------------------------------+ #
    # | Player List | #
    # +------------------------------------------------------+ #
    # Sets the header and footer of the player list. (Shown when you hold the TAB key.)
    # Toggles this feature.
    enabled: true
    # Sets the header of the player list.
    # Single line format.
    # header: 'My header text'
    # Multiple line format.
    # header:
    # - 'My first line'
    # - 'My second line'
    # - 'My third line'
    - ''
    - '&d&lROSESTUDIO'
    - '&r &7⚔ Лучший гриферский сервер ⚔'
    - ''
    - '&r &fОбщий онлайн: &5&l%{online} &8| &fПинг: &5&l%{ping}'
    - ''
    # Sets the footer of the player list.
    # Single line format.
    # footer: 'My footer text'
    # Multiple line format.
    # footer:
    # - 'My first line'
    # - 'My second line'
    # - 'My third line'
    - ''
    - '&7Группа: &fvk.com/rosestudio_mc'
    - '&7Сайт: &fwww.RoseStudio.ru'
    # +------------------------------------------------------+ #
    # | Welcome Title | #
    # +------------------------------------------------------+ #
    # Sets the title that is sent to the player when they join the server.
    # Toggles this feature.
    enabled: false
    # The title shown.
    title: ''
    # The subtitle shown.
    subtitle: ''
    # The time it takes for the title to fade into the screen. (In ticks)
    fade-in: 20
    # The time it takes for the title to stay on the screen. (In ticks)
    stay: 40
    # The time it takes for the title to fade out of the screen. (In ticks)
    fade-out: 20
    # The title shown when the player joins the server for the first time.
    # The title shown.
    title: ''
    # The subtitle shown.
    subtitle: ''
    # +------------------------------------------------------+ #
    # | Welcome Actionbar | #
    # +------------------------------------------------------+ #
    # Sets the actionbar that is sent to the player when they join the server.
    # Toggles this feature.
    enabled: false
    # The message shown.
    title: ''
    # The message shown when the player joins the server for the first time.
    first-join: ''
    # +------------------------------------------------------+ #
    # | Placeholders | #
    # +------------------------------------------------------+ #
    # Configures anything placeholder related.
    # The format used by the balance placeholder.
    # Toggles this feature.
    enabled: true
    # The format used.
    format: '#,###.##'
    # The format used by the server-time placeholder.
    # The format used can be found here: https://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/api/java/text/SimpleDateFormat.html
    date-format: 'EEE, dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss z'
    # +------------------------------------------------------+ #
    # | Scoreboard | #
    # +------------------------------------------------------+ #
    # Sets the scoreboard (sidebar) that is sent to the player
    # Toggles this feature
    enabled: true
    # The title displayed at the very top of the scoreboard
    # WARNING! (1.12 or below ONLY) The title must consist of 32 or less characters (this includes color codes)
    title: '&d&lROSESTUDIO &8| &5ГРИФ-1'

    # The lines of the scoreboard (Maximum of 15 lines allowed)
    # Each line can only have 40 characters (this includes color codes)
    # Each line must also be unique, a work around would be to put a color code at the end your line, to make it unique.
    - '&r'
    - '&d&l ПРОФИЛЬ:'
    - '&f Вы: &7%{displayname}'
    - '&f Привилегия: %luckperms_prefix%'
    - '&f Префикс: %roseaddon_prefix%'
    - '&f Клан: %roseaddon_clan%'
    - '&8'
    - '&5&l СТАТИСТИКА:'
    - '&f Убийств: &7%statistic_player_kills%'
    - '&f Смертей: &7%statistic_deaths%'
    - '&9'
    # +------------------------------------------------------+ #
    # | Announcer | #
    # +------------------------------------------------------+ #
    # Automatically send titles and/or actionbar messages to the players on the server.
    # Toggles this feature.
    enabled: false
    # The announcements
    # The format:
    # announcement-name:
    # interval: 60 (Seconds, Default: 60)
    # timings:
    # fade-in: 20 (Ticks, Default: 20)
    # stay: 40 (Ticks, Default: 40)
    # fade-out: 20 (Ticks, Default: 20)
    # titles:
    # - 'First title' (The title sent)
    # - 'Second title\nSecond subtitle' (The next title sent, this time using \n to split the title and subtitle from each other)
    # actionbar:
    # - 'First actionbar' (The actionbar message sent)
    # - 'The next actionbar sent' (The next actionbar message sent)
    interval: 60
    fade-in: 20
    stay: 40
    fade-out: 20
    - '&aThis is the 1st title announcement\n&aThis is the subtitle'
    - '&bThis is the 2nd title announcement\n&bThis is the subtitle'
    - '&aThis is the 1st actionbar announcement'
    - '&bThis is the 2nd actionbar announcement'
    # +------------------------------------------------------+ #
    # | Bandwidth | #
    # +------------------------------------------------------+ #
    # Configures all of the bandwidth saving options.
    # Prevents sending identical packets, lowering bandwidth (but might be more CPU intensive).
    prevent-duplicate-packets: true
    # The tick rate of the player list in milliseconds. (Lower = More bandwidth & CPU usage, Higher = Less bandwidth & CPU usage)
    player-list-ms-per-tick: 50
    # The tick rate of the scoreboard in milliseconds. (Lower = More bandwidth & CPU usage, Higher = Less bandwidth & CPU usage)
    scoreboard-ms-per-tick: 50
    # +------------------------------------------------------+ #
    # | Messages | #
    # +------------------------------------------------------+ #
    # Configures all of the messages sent to the users.
    # The message shown when a player doesn't have permission to run a command.
    no-permission: '&cYou do not have permission to run that command!'
    # The messages from the command /tm version
    description: 'Gives you the current running version of TitleManager'
    version: '&aThe server is running %version'
    # The messages from the command /tm reload
    description: 'Reloads TitleManager'
    reloaded: '&aTitleManager reloaded'
    # The messages from the command /tm animations
    description: 'Displays all loaded animations'
    format: '&aLoaded animations (&f%count&a): %animations'
    separator: '&f, &a'
    # The messages from the command /tm scripts
    description: 'Displays all loaded scripts'
    format: '&aLoaded scripts (&f%count&a): %scripts'
    separator: '&f, &a'
    # The messages from the command /tm broadcast
    description: 'Broadcasts a title to the server'
    usage: '<title>|<title\nsubtitle>'
    title-sent: '&aYou have broadcasted the title "&r%title&a".'
    subtitle-sent: '&aYou have broadcasted the subtitle "&r%subtitle&a".'
    both-sent: '&aYou have broadcasted the titles "&r%title&a" "&r%subtitle&a".'
    # The messages from the command /tm abroadcast
    description: 'Broadcasts an actionbar title to the server'
    usage: '<title>'
    sent: '&aYou have broadcasted the actionbar title "&r%title&a".'
    # The messages from the command /tm message
    description: 'Sends a title to the specified player'
    usage: '<player> <title>|<title\nsubtitle>'
    title-sent: '&aYou have sent %player the title "&r%title&a".'
    subtitle-sent: '&aYou have sent %player the subtitle "&r%subtitle&a".'
    both-sent: '&aYou have sent %player the titles "&r%title&a" "&r%subtitle&a".'
    invalid-player: '&c%player is not a valid player.'
    # The messages from the command /tm amessage
    description: 'Sends an actionbar title to the specified player'
    usage: '<player> <title>'
    sent: '&aYou have sent %player the actionbar title "&r%title&a".'
    invalid-player: '&c%player is not a valid player.'
    # The messages from the command /tm scoreboard
    description: 'Toggles the scoreboard on or off.'
    usage: 'toggle'
    toggled-on: '&aYou have enabled your scoreboard.'
    toggled-off: '&cYou have disabled your scoreboard.'​


  2. Хостинг MineCraft
  3. Автор темы

    testersha Ньюби

    Имя в Minecraft:
    Vault установлен
  4. Автор темы

    testersha Ньюби

    Имя в Minecraft:
    Лп тоже
  5. Pelmeshik

    Pelmeshik Активный участник Пользователь

    Обнови TitleManager. Версия слишком старая

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