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Тема в разделе "[Архив] Помощь", создана пользователем blogger, 10 мар 2013.

  1. Автор темы

    blogger Активный участник

    Имя в Minecraft:
    Не ставится суффикс, для "раскраски" текста в чате. пишу /suffix me &1 например, и ничего.
    Связано ли это с плагином EssentialsChat? Нужно ли что то дописать?
    # +------------------------------------------------------+ #
    # | EssentialsChat | #
    # +------------------------------------------------------+ #


    # If EssentialsChat is installed, this will define how far a player's voice travels, in blocks. Set to 0 to make all chat global.
    # Note that users with the "essentials.chat.spy" permission will hear everything, regardless of this setting.
    # Users with essentials.chat.shout can override this by prefixing text with an exclamation mark (!)
    # Or with essentials.chat.question can override this by prefixing text with a question mark (?)
    # You can add command costs for shout/question by adding chat-shout and chat-question to the command costs section."
    radius: 0

    # Chat formatting can be done in two ways, you can either define a standard format for all chat
    # Or you can give a group specific chat format, to give some extra variation.
    # If set to the default chat format which "should" be compatible with ichat.
    # For more information of chat formatting, check out the wiki: http://ess.khhq.net/wiki/Chat_Formatting

    format: '{DISPLAYNAME}: {MESSAGE}'
    #format: '&7[{GROUP}]&f {DISPLAYNAME}&7:&f {MESSAGE}'

    # Default: '{WORLDNAME} {DISPLAYNAME}&7:&f {MESSAGE}'
    admins: '{DISPLAYNAME}:&b {MESSAGE}'

    # If your using group formats make sure to remove the '#' to allow the setting to be read.
  2. Хостинг MineCraft
  3. Тарас1987

    Тарас1987 Старожил Пользователь

    Имя в Minecraft:
    Этот плагин сильно нагружает сервер, чат может "тормозить" на 1-2 сек...

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