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Помогите При переключении режима игры (креатива, выживания) изменяются вещи.(Плагин CreativeControl)

Тема в разделе "Помощь", создана пользователем po4emu4ka.bukkit, 14 июн 2016.

  1. Автор темы

    po4emu4ka.bukkit Ньюби

    Как сделать так чтобы при переключении режима игры вещи не менялись?
  2. Хостинг MineCraft
  3. rinnyboo

    rinnyboo Активный участник Пользователь

    Имя в Minecraft:
    конфиг в помощь...
  4. Fedy_

    Fedy_ Активный участник Пользователь

    Имя в Minecraft:
    Что именно надо изменить?

    # +----------------------------------------------------+
    # <                  CreativeControl                   >
    # <                     by KubqoA                      >
    # +----------------------------------------------------+
    # Put here all the commands you want to
    # disable in creative! If you want to
    # enable these commands for specific players
    # give them permission cc.cmd./command_here
    # (e.g. cc.cmd./command1)
    - /command1
    - /command2
    # Here you can define which gamemodes you
    # want to disable!
    # You can also create node disabled-gamemodes-worldname
    # and specify disabled gamemodes for each world.
    # Here you can put blocks or items which you
    # want to disable in creative.
    # List of blocks you can disable can be
    # found on this website
    # https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/bukkit/org/bukkit/Material.html
    # Please pay attention to put the values
    # correctly with uppercase letters.
    # otherwise this feature won''t work
    # and may cause errors!
    - TNT
    - chest_minecart
    # Here you can define worlds in which should
    # be the functions of this plugin disabled!
    - world1
    - world2
    # Set to true if you want to prevent
    # creative placed spawners from spawning mobs.
    disable-creative-spawners: true
    # Here you can define which permissions will be
    # taken when switched to creative mode. e.g. essentials.tpa
    - permissionnode1
    - permission.node.2
    # Here you can define which permissions will be
    # added when switched to creative mode. e.g. essentials.tpa
    - permissionnode1
    - permission.node.2
    # Here you can set if you want to use
    # sqlite DB or mysql DB
    db-type: sqlite
    # Set MySQL address here
    # (only when db type set to mysql)
    db-host: localhost
    # Set MySQL server port here
    # (only when db type set to mysql)
    db-port: '3306'
    # Set the user login for mysql database
    # (only when db type set to mysql
    db-user: user
    # Set user password
    # (only when db type set to mysql)
    db-password: password
    # Set MySQL database name
    # (only when db type set to mysql)
    db-database: database
    # Set tables prefix here
    # (only when db type set to mysql)
    db-prefix: cc_
    # Set message prefix here (supports colors)
    message-prefix: '&3[&a&lEmerald&B&lWorld&3]'
    # Set to true to enable inventory switching
    # Set to false to disable it
    inventory-switching: true
    # Set to true to enable automatic update checking
    # Set to false to disable it
    check-for-updates: true
    # Here you can define time in seconds for
    # which will be all messages in cooldown
    # before sending them again to the player.
    # Set to 0 to disable.
    message-cooldown: 2
    # Here you can define after how many creative
    # placed blocks should they be written to
    # database. If this limit is not reached
    # they will be logged after 5 minutes.
    logging-interval: 10
    # Place here blocks you want to be
    # excluded from being tracked when
    # placed in creative.
    - DIRT
    - SAND
    # Set how many blocks can be stored
    # in memory and the others will
    # be stored in database.
    # set to 0 to disable this memory
    # set to -1 to use only memory.
    block-memory-limit: 10000
    # Set how many vehicles can be stored
    # in memory and the others will
    # be stored in database.
    # set to 0 to disable this memory
    # set to -1 to use only memory.
    vehicle-memory-limit: 10000
    # Set how many hangings can be stored
    # in memory and the others will
    # be stored in database.
    # set to 0 to disable this memory
    # set to -1 to use only memory.
    hanging-memory-limit: 10000
    # Remove or comment out specific
    # features to disable them.
    - BlockBreak
    - BlockFall
    - BlockPlace
    - BlockExplode
    - BedrockBreak
    - HangingBreak
    - HangingPlace
    - VehicleCreate
    - VehicleDestroy
    - VehicleMove
    - PlayerArmorStandManipulate
    - PlayerCommandRestrict
    - PlayerBannedItemFromInventory
    - PlayerDamageEntity
    - PlayerDeathNoDrop
    - PlayerDropItem
    - PlayerGamemodeChange
    - PlayerJoin
    - PlayerOpenRestrictedInventory
    - PlayerPickupItem
    - PlayerQuit
    - SpawnerSpawnEntity
    - CreatureSpawn
    - PistonExtend
    - PistonRetract

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