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Помогите Random tp

Тема в разделе "Помощь", создана пользователем Ванёк_, 24 май 2021.


Вопрос по работе плагина Random tp

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    Ванёк_ Новичок

    Имя в Minecraft:
    Всем привет! Возникла проблема с плагином Random tp.
    Вот конфиг:
    tpmessage: "&aYou were randomly teleported !"
    cantusemessage: "&cYou can't use that command for another $secondsLeft$ seconds!"
    cancelmessage: "&cTeleportation cancelled because you moved."
    permissionmessage: "&cYou are not allowed to do this."
    mustintegermessage: "&cThe value must be an integer !"
    setmessage: "&aThe RandomTeleport area has been set in a $value$ * $value$ square around you !"
    reloadmessage: "&7Configuration reloaded !"
    usagesetmessage: "&cUsage : /rtp set [Integer]"
    usagetpprotectionmessage: "&cUsage : /rtp tpprotection [True|False]"
    usagecooldownmessage: "&cUsage : /rtp cooldown [Integer]"
    usagedelaymessage: "&cUsage : /rtp delay [Integer]"
    cooldownsetmessage: "&aThe new teleportation cooldown has been set !"
    delaysetmessage: "&aThe new teleportation delay has been set !"
    delaystartmessage: "&aThe teleportation will start in $delay$ seconds. Don't move at all !"

    notonlinemessage: "&cError : That player isn't online !"
    doesntexistsmessage: "&cError : That world doesn't exists !"
    notfoundmessage: "&cError : Teleport location was not found."

    rtphelpmessage: "&c/rtp - /wild - /wilderness : &aTeleports in a random location"
    rtpothershelpmessage: "&c/rtp [player] [world] <biome> : &aTeleports someone into asked world."
    sethelpmessage: "&c/rtp set [size(Integer)] : &aSet the size of the teleportation area around you."
    cooldownhelpmessage: "&c/rtp cooldown [time(seconds)(integer)] : &aSet teleportation command cooldown."
    reloadhelpmessage: "&c/rtp reload : &aReloads the configuration file."
    tpprotectionhelpmessage: "&c/rtp tpprotection [True|False] : &aAllows players to be teleported in protected areas. If True, they will never be teleported into a protected area."
    delayhelpmessage: "&c/rtp delay [seconds] : &aSet the delay before teleporting the player."

    cooldown: 10
    delay: 1
    tpprotection: true

    zMax: 2001
    zMin: -2001
    xMax: 2001
    xMin: -2001

    zMax: 2001
    zMin: -2001
    xMax: 2001
    xMin: -2001

    zMax: 2001
    zMin: -2001
    xMax: 2001
    xMin: -2001

    zMax: 2001
    zMin: -2001
    xMax: 2001
    xMin: -2001

    zMax: 2001
    zMin: -2001
    xMax: 2001
    xMin: -2001

    Проблема вот в чем: для телепортации на миры я использую команду /rtp {player} мир, эта команда используется с плагинами customjoinitem + chestcommands. При нажатии на предмет игрока должно телепортировать в рандомную точку мира, но при нажатии получается вот такая ошибка. Все права
    выдал upload_2021-5-24_22-57-29.png
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