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Sponge Status Update - 18th March 2024

Тема в разделе "Официальные новости Sponge", создана пользователем RuBukBot, 18 мар 2024.

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    RuBukBot Робот RuBukkit Модератор

    Sponge Status Update - 18th March 2024
    Greetings all! We’re busy preparing for the latest State of Sponge and thought we might give you an early run-through of what we’ve been up to lately!

    State of Sponge XXV

    Get ready to join us for State of Sponge XXV! Currently scheduled for the 23rd of March at 21:00 UTC. This time around we’ll be using the latest SpongeVanilla 1.20.4 and hopefully showcasing some fun plugins!


    If you have any questions or comments you’d like to cover, feel free to submit them here ahead of time or during the discussion. As usual you can join us in-game on block19.spongepowered.org and view the stream live on Twitch



    1.20.4 builds have been available through our CI pipeline for some time due to an extended development cycle, but were been added to SpongeDownloads as of several weeks ago. We’ve recieved good feedback so far and this version is shaping up to be fairly stable. Several API features are still set to be updated but we have our best people on it!

    In line with the current Mojang snapshots, we are expecting a 1.20.5 release at some point in the future, however no due date has been given as yet. As a result, there may still be API breakages before we can finalise the API 11 series, but we hope to minimise this were possible.



    SpongeForge work is currently ongoing as we attempt to sort out compatibility issues between SF and SV mappings, however a good portion of the underlying codebase is shared so once this blocker is overcome we are hoping the update process will be a bit more straightforward.
    While we’re aware of changes in the modding scene, we will be assessing the compatibility of our stack with other platforms going forward, alongside community adoption to chart our future course.


    As many of you have no doubt noted, the status of our API versioning system has been substantially affected by Mojang’s change in development policy and we’re wanting to hear back from the community regarding how you perceive the naming scheme.
    Does it make sense, are there points of confusion or areas that need clarification? etc.
    Consider this as a Request for Comment regarding our Versioning/API naming schema. While we don’t have any current plans to change things, we would appreciate hearing both feedback and suggestions to take on board in future.


    Our SpongeDocs Team - especially @Inscrutable - are keen to try and finalise the API 8 documentation and move on to tackling API 10 & 11. As the current API versions largely descend from 8, we’d love to leave the documentation in a great state before moving on.
    If you’re interested in contributing to the project,. the Docs are a great place to start! Especially if you have experience as a plugin developer and have noticed any parts that you think could do with a bit more work. Please feel free to reach out to the Docs team here, on Github, or #docs on our Discord.

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