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Тема в разделе "Помощь", создана пользователем Wilfaded, 1 апр 2020.

  1. Автор темы

    Wilfaded Активный участник Пользователь

    Имя в Minecraft:
    Всем привет. Появилась проблема: при заходе на сервер авторизации я регистрируюсь, после меня кидает в лобби, где я выбираю сервер. И вот именно после того, как я выбрал сервер меня просит пароль, который я недавно зарегистрировал. После того как я ввёл пароль на любом из серверов - мне требуется его заново вводить и на сервере авторизации. То-есть если просто находиться в лобби и никуда не заходить, то при повторном подключении пароль не просит на сервере авторизации, а если на один из серверов зайти - просит и даже приходиться его заново вводить на сервере авторизации, хотя сессии включены.
    На всех серверах стоит один и тот же плагин AuthMe версии 5.4.0. Сервер на ядре spigot версии 1.12.2. AuthMe подключены к базе данных MySQL. Прошу как можно быстрее

    config.yml (на всех серверах он одинаковый)
        # Какой тип базы данных вы хотите использовать?
        # Допустимые значения: SQLITE, MYSQL
        backend: 'MYSQL'
        # Включить систему кэширования базы данных, должен быть отключен в средах bungeecord
        # или когда используется интеграция сайта.
        caching: false
        # Адрес хоста базы данных
        mySQLHost: '***hosting.ru'
        # Порт базы данных
        mySQLPort: '3306'
        # Подключение к базе данных MySQL через SSL
        mySQLUseSSL: false
        # Имя пользователя для подключения к базе данных MySQL
        mySQLUsername: 'bd**'
        # Пароль для подключения к базе данных MySQL
        mySQLPassword: '*******'
        # Имя базы данных, использовать с конвертерами или в качестве имени базы данных SQLITE
        mySQLDatabase: 'bd**'
        # Таблица базы данных
        mySQLTablename: 'authme'
        # Столбец идентификаторов для сортировки данных
        mySQLColumnId: 'id'
        # Колонка для хранения или проверки никнейма игрока
        mySQLColumnName: 'username'
        # Колонка для хранения или проверки игроков RealName
        mySQLRealName: 'realname'
        # Колонка для хранения паролей игроков
        mySQLColumnPassword: 'password'
        # Колонка для хранения имеилов игроков
        mySQLColumnEmail: 'email'
        # Колонка для хранения, если игрок вошел в систему или нет
        mySQLColumnLogged: 'isLogged'
        # Колонка для хранения, если у игрока есть действующий сеанс или нет
        mySQLColumnHasSession: 'hasSession'
        # Колонка для хранения последнего IP-адреса игрока
        mySQLColumnIp: 'ip'
        # Колонка для хранения игроков lastlogins
        mySQLColumnLastLogin: 'lastlogin'
        # Колонка с датой регистрации
        mySQLColumnRegisterDate: 'regdate'
        # Колонка для хранения IP-адреса на момент регистрации
        mySQLColumnRegisterIp: 'regip'
        # Column for storing player LastLocation - X
        mySQLlastlocX: 'x'
        # Column for storing player LastLocation - Y
        mySQLlastlocY: 'y'
        # Column for storing player LastLocation - Z
        mySQLlastlocZ: 'z'
        # Column for storing player LastLocation - World Name
        mySQLlastlocWorld: 'world'
        # Column for storing player LastLocation - Yaw
        mySQLlastlocYaw: 'yaw'
        # Column for storing player LastLocation - Pitch
        mySQLlastlocPitch: 'pitch'
        # Переопределяет размер пула соединений с БД, -1 = Auto
        poolSize: -1
        # Максимальное время жизни соединения в пуле, по умолчанию = 1800 секунд.
        # Вы должны установить это по крайней мере на 30 секунд меньше, чем сервер MySQL wait_timeout
        maxLifetime: 1800
        # Колонка для хранения паролей игроков солей
        mySQLColumnSalt: ''
        # Колонка для хранения групп игроков
        mySQLColumnGroup: ''
        # -1 means disabled. If you want that only activated players
        # can log into your server, you can set here the group number
        # of unactivated users, needed for some forum/CMS support
        nonActivedUserGroup: -1
        # Другие столбцы MySQL, где нам нужно указать имя пользователя (с учетом регистра)
        mySQLOtherUsernameColumns: []
        # How much log2 rounds needed in BCrypt (do not change if you do not know what it does)
        bCryptLog2Round: 10
        # phpBB table prefix defined during the phpBB installation process
        phpbbTablePrefix: 'phpbb_'
        # phpBB activated group ID; 2 is the default registered group defined by phpBB
        phpbbActivatedGroupId: 2
        # IP Board table prefix defined during the IP Board installation process
        IPBTablePrefix: 'ipb_'
        # IP Board default group ID; 3 is the default registered group defined by IP Board
        IPBActivatedGroupId: 3
        # Xenforo table prefix defined during the Xenforo installation process
        XFTablePrefix: 'xf_'
        # XenForo default group ID; 2 is the default registered group defined by Xenforo
        XFActivatedGroupId: 2
        # Wordpress prefix defined during WordPress installation
        wordpressTablePrefix: 'wp_'
            # Do you want to enable the session feature?
            # If enabled, when a player authenticates successfully,
            # his IP and his nickname is saved.
            # The next time the player joins the server, if his IP
            # is the same as last time and the timeout hasn't
            # expired, he will not need to authenticate.
            enabled: true
            # After how many minutes should a session expire?
            # A player's session ends after the timeout or if his IP has changed
            timeout: 600
        # Message language, available languages:
        # https://github.com/AuthMe/AuthMeReloaded/blob/master/docs/translations.md
        messagesLanguage: 'en'
        # Forces authme to hook into Vault instead of a specific permission handler system.
        forceVaultHook: false
        # Log level: INFO, FINE, DEBUG. Use INFO for general messages,
        # FINE for some additional detailed ones (like password failed),
        # and DEBUG for debugging
        logLevel: 'FINE'
        # By default we schedule async tasks when talking to the database. If you want
        # typical communication with the database to happen synchronously, set this to false
        useAsyncTasks: true
        # By default we handle the AsyncPlayerPreLoginEvent which makes the plugin faster
        # but it is incompatible with any permission plugin not included in our compatibility list.
        # If you have issues with permission checks on player join please disable this option.
        useAsyncPreLoginEvent: true
            # Enable registration on the server?
            enabled: true
            # Send every X seconds a message to a player to
            # remind him that he has to login/register
            messageInterval: 5
            # Only registered and logged in players can play.
            # See restrictions for exceptions
            force: true
            # Type of registration: PASSWORD or EMAIL
            # PASSWORD = account is registered with a password supplied by the user;
            # EMAIL = password is generated and sent to the email provided by the user.
            # More info at https://github.com/AuthMe/AuthMeReloaded/wiki/Registration
            type: 'PASSWORD'
            # Second argument the /register command should take: NONE = no 2nd argument
            # CONFIRMATION = must repeat first argument (pass or email)
            # EMAIL_OPTIONAL = for password register: 2nd argument can be empty or have email address
            # EMAIL_MANDATORY = for password register: 2nd argument MUST be an email address
            secondArg: 'CONFIRMATION'
            # Do we force kick a player after a successful registration?
            # Do not use with login feature below
            forceKickAfterRegister: false
            # Does AuthMe need to enforce a /login after a successful registration?
            forceLoginAfterRegister: false
        # Enable to display the welcome message (welcome.txt) after a login
        # You can use colors in this welcome.txt + some replaced strings:
        # {PLAYER}: player name, {ONLINE}: display number of online players,
        # {MAXPLAYERS}: display server slots, {IP}: player ip, {LOGINS}: number of players logged,
        # {WORLD}: player current world, {SERVER}: server name
        # {VERSION}: get current bukkit version, {COUNTRY}: player country
        useWelcomeMessage: true
        # Broadcast the welcome message to the server or only to the player?
        # set true for server or false for player
        broadcastWelcomeMessage: false
        # Should we delay the join message and display it once the player has logged in?
        delayJoinMessage: false
        # The custom join message that will be sent after a successful login,
        # keep empty to use the original one.
        # Available variables:
        # {PLAYERNAME}: the player name (no colors)
        # {DISPLAYNAME}: the player display name (with colors)
        # {DISPLAYNAMENOCOLOR}: the player display name (without colors)
        customJoinMessage: ''
        # Should we remove the leave messages of unlogged users?
        removeUnloggedLeaveMessage: false
        # Should we remove join messages altogether?
        removeJoinMessage: false
        # Should we remove leave messages altogether?
        removeLeaveMessage: false
        # Do we need to add potion effect Blinding before login/reigster?
        applyBlindEffect: false
        # Do we need to prevent people to login with another case?
        # If Xephi is registered, then Xephi can login, but not XEPHI/xephi/XePhI
        preventOtherCase: true
        # Do we need to hook with multiverse for spawn checking?
        multiverse: false
        # Do we need to hook with BungeeCord?
        bungeecord: true
        # Send player to this BungeeCord server after register/login
        sendPlayerTo: 'lobby'
        # Do we need to disable Essentials SocialSpy on join?
        disableSocialSpy: false
        # Do we need to force /motd Essentials command on join?
        useEssentialsMotd: false
        # If enabled, AuthMe automatically purges old, unused accounts
        useAutoPurge: false
        # Number of days after which an account should be purged
        daysBeforeRemovePlayer: 60
        # Do we need to remove the player.dat file during purge process?
        removePlayerDat: false
        # Do we need to remove the Essentials/userdata/player.yml file during purge process?
        removeEssentialsFile: false
        # World in which the players.dat are stored
        defaultWorld: 'world'
        # Remove LimitedCreative/inventories/player.yml, player_creative.yml files during purge?
        removeLimitedCreativesInventories: false
        # Do we need to remove the AntiXRayData/PlayerData/player file during purge process?
        removeAntiXRayFile: false
        # Do we need to remove permissions?
        removePermissions: false
            # Stop the server if we can't contact the sql database
            # Take care with this, if you set this to false,
            # AuthMe will automatically disable and the server won't be protected!
            stopServer: true
            # Remove passwords from console?
            removePassword: true
            # Copy AuthMe log output in a separate file as well?
            logConsole: true
            # Enable captcha when a player uses wrong password too many times
            useCaptcha: false
            # Max allowed tries before a captcha is required
            maxLoginTry: 5
            # Captcha length
            captchaLength: 5
            # Minutes after which login attempts count is reset for a player
            captchaCountReset: 60
            # Number of characters a recovery code should have (0 to disable)
            length: 8
            # How many hours is a recovery code valid for?
            validForHours: 4
            # Max number of tries to enter recovery code
            maxTries: 3
            # How long a player has after password recovery to change their password
            # without logging in. This is in minutes.
            # Default: 2 minutes
            passwordChangeTimeout: 2
            # Seconds a user has to wait for before a password recovery mail may be sent again
            # This prevents an attacker from abusing AuthMe's email feature.
            cooldown: 60
            # The mail shown using /email show will be partially hidden
            # E.g. (if enabled)
            #  original email: my.email@example.com
            #  hidden email: my.***@***mple.com
            enableEmailMasking: false
            # Minutes after which a verification code will expire
            verificationCodeExpiration: 10
    # Before a user logs in, various properties are temporarily removed from the player,
    # such as OP status, ability to fly, and walk/fly speed.
    # Once the user is logged in, we add back the properties we previously saved.
    # In this section, you may define how these properties should be handled.
    # Read more at https://github.com/AuthMe/AuthMeReloaded/wiki/Limbo-players
        # General configuration for backups: if false, no backups are possible
        ActivateBackup: false
        # Create backup at every start of server
        OnServerStart: false
        # Create backup at every stop of server
        OnServerStop: true
        # Windows only: MySQL installation path
        MysqlWindowsPath: 'C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.1\'
    # Converter settings: see https://github.com/AuthMe/AuthMeReloaded/wiki/Converters
            # Rakamak file name
            fileName: 'users.rak'
            # Rakamak use IP?
            useIP: false
            # Rakamak IP file name
            ipFileName: 'UsersIp.rak'
            # CrazyLogin database file name
            fileName: 'accounts.db'
            # LoginSecurity: convert from SQLite; if false we use MySQL
            useSqlite: true
                # LoginSecurity MySQL: database host
                host: ''
                # LoginSecurity MySQL: database name
                database: ''
                # LoginSecurity MySQL: database user
                user: ''
                # LoginSecurity MySQL: password for database user
                password: ''
  2. Хостинг MineCraft
  3. Автор темы

    Wilfaded Активный участник Пользователь

    Имя в Minecraft:
    MySQL, кстати, работает нормально. Если изменить пароль на одном сервере, то он на других серверах меняется тоже - проверено.

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