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Помогите Towny

Тема в разделе "[Архив] Помощь", создана пользователем teodorko, 5 окт 2012.

Статус темы:
  1. Автор темы

    teodorko Старожил

    Проблема такова: не работает команда /town new. При попытке ее использовать в консоль пишется следующее:
    2012-10-05 19:38:41 [INFO] TEODOR использовал серверную команду: /town new ?????????
    2012-10-05 19:38:41 [INFO] [PLAYER_COMMAND] TEODOR: /town new 123
    2012-10-05 19:38:41 [SEVERE] null
    org.bukkit.command.CommandException: Unhandled exception executing command 'town' in plugin Towny v0.81.0.0
    at org.bukkit.command.PluginCommand.execute(PluginCommand.java:42)
    at org.bukkit.command.SimpleCommandMap.dispatch(SimpleCommandMap.java:168)
    at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.dispatchCommand(CraftServer.java:498)
    at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.handleCommand(NetServerHandler.java:880)
    at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.chat(NetServerHandler.java:826)
    at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.a(NetServerHandler.java:808)
    at net.minecraft.server.Packet3Chat.handle(Packet3Chat.java:44)
    at net.minecraft.server.NetworkManager.b(NetworkManager.java:282)
    at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.d(NetServerHandler.java:109)
    at net.minecraft.server.ServerConnection.b(SourceFile:35)
    at net.minecraft.server.DedicatedServerConnection.b(SourceFile:30)
    at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.q(MinecraftServer.java:577)
    at net.minecraft.server.DedicatedServer.q(DedicatedServer.java:213)
    at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.p(MinecraftServer.java:473)
    at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.run(MinecraftServer.java:405)
    at net.minecraft.server.ThreadServerApplication.run(SourceFile:539)
    Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
    at com.palmergames.bukkit.towny.TownyEconomyHandler.getEconomyAccount(Unknown Source)
    at com.palmergames.bukkit.towny.TownyEconomyHandler.getBalance(Unknown Source)
    at com.palmergames.bukkit.towny.TownyEconomyHandler.hasEnough(Unknown Source)
    at com.palmergames.bukkit.towny.object.TownyEconomyObject.canPayFromHoldings(Unknown Source)
    at com.palmergames.bukkit.towny.object.TownyEconomyObject._pay(Unknown Source)
    at com.palmergames.bukkit.towny.object.TownyEconomyObject.pay(Unknown Source)
    at com.palmergames.bukkit.towny.command.TownCommand.newTown(Unknown Source)
    at com.palmergames.bukkit.towny.command.TownCommand.parseTownCommand(Unknown Source)
    at com.palmergames.bukkit.towny.command.TownCommand.onCommand(Unknown Source)
    at org.bukkit.command.PluginCommand.execute(PluginCommand.java:40)
    ... 15 more
  2. Хостинг MineCraft
  3. Zeluboba

    Zeluboba Участник Девелопер

    Имя в Minecraft:
    мы НЕ экстрасенсы.

    версия баккита?
    I-Am-Black-Overlord нравится это.
  4. Автор темы

    teodorko Старожил

    @Zeluboba, 1.3.2 R1.0 RUS
    Эту проблему уже решил путем удаления экономического плагина Х)
    Но теперь другая проблема: когда хочу создать город, мне пишет: You can`t afford to settle a new town here.

    Вот конфиг (вернее, его кусок) Towny, на всякий :)
    # The language file you wish to use
      # This is the current version of Towny.  Please do not edit.
      # This is for showing the changelog on updates.  Please do not edit.
      # Minimum required version of CraftBukkit.  Please do not edit.
      bukkit_version: '2222'
      # If enabled we will not check the CraftBukkit version at startup.
      bypass_version_check: 'true'
    # The language file you wish to use
    language: english.yml
    # +------------------------------------------------------+ #
    # |                  Permission nodes                  | #
    # +------------------------------------------------------+ #
    #  Possible permission nodes
    #    towny.admin: User is able to use /townyadmin, as well as the ability to build/destroy anywhere. User is also able to make towns or nations when set to admin only.
    #    towny.cheat.bypass : User is able to use any fly mods and double block jump (disables towny cheat protection for this user).
    #    towny.top : User can access the command towny top
    #    towny.town.* : User has access to all town permission nodes.
    #        towny.town.new :User is able to create a town
    #        towny.town.delete :User is able to delete their town
    #        towny.town.claim : User is able to expand his town with /town claim
    #        towny.town.plot : User is able to use the /plot commands
    #        towny.town.resident : User is able to join towns upon invite.
    #    towny.town.toggle.*: User can access all town toggle commands (if a mayor or assistant).
    #        towny.town.toggle.pvp
    #        towny.town.toggle.public
    #        towny.town.toggle.explosions
    #        towny.town.toggle.fire
    #        towny.town.toggle.mobs
    #    towny.nation.* : User has access to all town permission nodes.
    #        towny.nation.new :User is able to create a nation
    #        towny.nation.delete :User is able to delete their nation (if king)
    #        towny.nation.rename :User is able to rename their nation (if king/assistant)
    #        towny.nation.grant-titles :User is able to grant titles/surnames to the nation residents (if King)
    #    towny.wild.*: User is able to build/destroy in wild regardless.
    #        towny.wild.build
    #        towny.wild.destroy
    #        towny.wild.switch
    #        towny.wild.item_use
    #    towny.wild.block.[block id].* : User is able to edit [block id] in the wild.
    #        towny.wild.build.[block id]
    #        towny.wild.destroy.[block id]
    #        towny.wild.switch.[block id]
    #        towny.wild.item_use.[block id]
    #    towny.claimed.* : User can build/destroy/switch/item_use in all towns.
    #        towny.claimed.build : User can build in all towns.
    #        towny.claimed.destroy : User can destroy in all towns.
    #        towny.claimed.switch : User can switch in all towns.
    #        towny.claimed.item_use : User can use use items in all towns.
    #    towny.claimed.alltown.* : User is able to edit specified/all block types in all towns.
    #        towny.claimed.alltown.build.[block id]
    #        towny.claimed.alltown.destroy.[block id]
    #        towny.claimed.alltown.switch.[block id] : User can switch specified/all block types in all towns.
    #        towny.claimed.alltown.item_use.[block id]
    #    towny.claimed.owntown.* : User is able to edit specified/all block types in their own town.
    #        towny.claimed.owntown.build.[block id]
    #        towny.claimed.owntown.destroy.[block id] : (handy to allow clearing of snow '78')
    #        towny.claimed.owntown.switch.[block id]
    #        towny.claimed.owntown.item_use.[block id]
    #    towny.town.spawn.*: Grants all Spawn travel nodes
    #        towny.town.spawn.town : Ability to spawn to your own town.
    #        towny.town.spawn.nation : Ability to spawn to other towns in your nation.
    #        towny.town.spawn.ally : Ability to spawn to towns in nations allied with yours.
    #        towny.town.spawn.public : Ability to spawn to unaffilated public towns.
    # these will be moved to permissions nodes at a later date
      town_creation_admin_only: 'true'
      nation_creation_admin_only: 'true'
    # +------------------------------------------------------+ #
    # |                Town and Nation levels                | #
    # +------------------------------------------------------+ #
      # default Town levels.
      - upkeepModifier: 1.0
        namePostfix: ' Ruins'
        mayorPrefix: 'Spirit '
        mayorPostfix: ''
        townBlockLimit: 1
        namePrefix: ''
        numResidents: 0
      - upkeepModifier: 1.0
        namePostfix: ' (Settlement)'
        mayorPrefix: 'Hermit '
        mayorPostfix: ''
        townBlockLimit: 16
        namePrefix: ''
        numResidents: 1
      - upkeepModifier: 1.0
        namePostfix: ' (Hamlet)'
        mayorPrefix: 'Chief '
        mayorPostfix: ''
        townBlockLimit: 32
        namePrefix: ''
        numResidents: 2
      - upkeepModifier: 1.0
        namePostfix: ' (Village)'
        mayorPrefix: 'Baron Von '
        mayorPostfix: ''
        townBlockLimit: 96
        namePrefix: ''
        numResidents: 6
      - upkeepModifier: 1.0
        namePostfix: ' (Town)'
        mayorPrefix: 'Viscount '
        mayorPostfix: ''
        townBlockLimit: 160
        namePrefix: ''
        numResidents: 10
      - upkeepModifier: 1.0
        namePostfix: ' (Large Town)'
        mayorPrefix: 'Count Von '
        mayorPostfix: ''
        townBlockLimit: 224
        namePrefix: ''
        numResidents: 14
      - upkeepModifier: 1.0
        namePostfix: ' (City)'
        mayorPrefix: 'Earl '
        mayorPostfix: ''
        townBlockLimit: 320
        namePrefix: ''
        numResidents: 20
      - upkeepModifier: 1.0
        namePostfix: ' (Large City)'
        mayorPrefix: 'Duke '
        mayorPostfix: ''
        townBlockLimit: 384
        namePrefix: ''
        numResidents: 24
      - upkeepModifier: 1.0
        namePostfix: ' (Metropolis)'
        mayorPrefix: 'Lord '
        mayorPostfix: ''
        townBlockLimit: 448
        namePrefix: ''
        numResidents: 28
      # default Nation levels.
      - capitalPostfix: ''
        upkeepModifier: 1.0
        namePostfix: ' (Nation)'
        kingPrefix: 'Leader '
        townBlockLimitBonus: 10
        namePrefix: 'Land of '
        numResidents: 0
        capitalPrefix: ''
        kingPostfix: ''
      - capitalPostfix: ''
        upkeepModifier: 1.0
        namePostfix: ' (Nation)'
        kingPrefix: 'Count '
        townBlockLimitBonus: 20
        namePrefix: 'Federation of '
        numResidents: 10
        capitalPrefix: ''
        kingPostfix: ''
      - capitalPostfix: ''
        upkeepModifier: 1.0
        namePostfix: ' (Nation)'
        kingPrefix: 'Duke '
        townBlockLimitBonus: 40
        namePrefix: 'Dominion of '
        numResidents: 20
        capitalPrefix: ''
        kingPostfix: ''
      - capitalPostfix: ''
        upkeepModifier: 1.0
        namePostfix: ' (Nation)'
        kingPrefix: 'King '
        townBlockLimitBonus: 60
        namePrefix: 'Kingdom of '
        numResidents: 30
        capitalPrefix: ''
        kingPostfix: ''
      - capitalPostfix: ''
        upkeepModifier: 1.0
        namePostfix: ' Empire'
        kingPrefix: 'Emperor '
        townBlockLimitBonus: 100
        namePrefix: 'The '
        numResidents: 40
        capitalPrefix: ''
        kingPostfix: ''
      - capitalPostfix: ''
        upkeepModifier: 1.0
        namePostfix: ' Realm'
        kingPrefix: 'God Emperor '
        townBlockLimitBonus: 140
        namePrefix: 'The '
        numResidents: 60
        capitalPrefix: ''
        kingPostfix: ''
    # +------------------------------------------------------+ #
    # |              Town Claim/new defaults                | #
    # +------------------------------------------------------+ #
      # Default public status of the town (used for /town spawn)
      default_public: 'true'
      # Default Open status of the town (are new towns open and joinable by anyone at creation?)
      default_open: 'true'
      # Limits the maximum amount of bonus blocks a town can buy.
      max_purchased_blocks: '200'
      # maximum number of plots any single resident can own
      max_plots_per_resident: '100'
      # Maximum number of towns allowed on the server.
      town_limit: '30'
      # Minimum number of plots any towns home plot must be from the next town.
      # This will prevent someone founding a town right on your doorstep
      min_distance_from_town_homeblock: '5'
      # Maximum distance between homblocks.
      # This will force players to build close together.
      max_distance_between_homeblocks: '0'
      # The maximum townblocks available to a town is (numResidents * ratio).
      # Setting this value to 0 will instead use the level based jump values determined in the town level config.
      town_block_ratio: '8'
      # The size of the square grid cell. Changing this value is suggested only when you first install Towny.
      # Doing so after entering data will shift things unwantedly. Using smaller value will allow higher precision,
      # at the cost of more work setting up. Also, extremely small values will render the caching done useless.
      # Each cell is (town_block_size * town_block_size * 128) in size, with 128 being from bedrock to clouds.
      town_block_size: '16'
    # +------------------------------------------------------+ #
    # |            Default new world settings              | #
    # +------------------------------------------------------+ #
    # These flags are only used at the initial setp of a new world.
    # Once Towny is running each world can be altered from within game
    # using '/townyworld toggle'
        # Set if PVP is enabled in this world
        world_pvp: 'true'
        # force_pvp_on is a global flag and overrides any towns flag setting
        force_pvp_on: 'false'
        # world_monsters_on is a global flag setting per world.
        world_monsters_on: 'true'
        # force_town_monsters_on is a global flag and overrides any towns flag setting
        force_town_monsters_on: 'false'
        # Allow explosions in this world
        world_explosions_enabled: 'true'
        # force_explosions_on is a global flag and overrides any towns flag setting
        force_explosions_on: 'false'
        # Allow fire to be lit and spread in this world.
        world_firespread_enabled: 'true'
        # force_fire_on is a global flag and overrides any towns flag setting
        force_fire_on: 'false'
      # Prevent Endermen from picking up and placing blocks.
      enderman_protect: 'true'
      # Disable players trampling crops
      disable_player_crop_trampling: 'true'
      # Disable creatures trampling crops
      disable_creature_crop_trampling: 'true'
      # World management settings to deal with un/claiming plots
          enabled: 'true'
          # These items will be deleted upon a plot being unclaimed
          unclaim_delete: 26,50,55,63,64,68,70,71,72,75,76,93,94
          enabled: 'true'
          # These items will be deleted upon a mayor using /plot clear
          # To disable deleting replace the current entries with NONE.
          mayor_plot_delete: WALL_SIGN,SIGN_POST
          # *** WARNING***
          # If this is enabled any town plots which become unclaimed will
          # slowly be reverted to a snapshot taken before the plot was claimed.
          # Regeneration will only work if the plot was
          # claimed under version 0.76.2, or
          # later with this feature enabled
          # If you allow players to break/build in the wild the snapshot will
          # include any changes made before the plot was claimed.
          enabled: 'true'
          speed: 1s
          # These block types will NOT be regenerated
          block_ignore: 14,21,22,41,42,48,50,52,56,57,63,68,89
          # Enabling this will slowly regenerate holes created in the
          # wilderness by monsters exploding.
          enabled: 'true'
          entities: Creeper,EnderCrystal,EnderDragon,Fireball,SmallFireball,TNTPrimed
          delay: 20s
    # +------------------------------------------------------+ #
    # |                Global town settings                  | #
    # +------------------------------------------------------+ #
      # can residents/Allies harm other residents when in an area with pvp enabled? Other than an Arena plot.
      friendly_fire: 'true'
      # Players within their town or allied towns will regenerate half a heart after every health_regen_speed seconds.
        speed: 3s
        enable: 'true'
      # Allow towns to claim outposts (a townblock not connected to town).
      allow_outposts: 'true'
      # Allow the use of /town spawn
      allow_town_spawn: 'true'
      # Allow regular residents to use /town spawn [town] (TP to other towns if they are public).
      allow_town_spawn_travel: 'true'
      # Allow regular residents to use /town spawn [town] to other towns in your nation.
      allow_town_spawn_travel_nation: 'true'
      # Allow regular residents to use /town spawn [town] to other towns in a nation allied with your nation.
      allow_town_spawn_travel_ally: 'true'
      # If non zero it delays any spawn request by x seconds.
      teleport_warmup_time: '0'
      # Respawn the player at his town spawn point when he/she dies
      town_respawn: 'false'
      # Town respawn only happens when the player dies in the same world as the town's spawn point.
      town_respawn_same_world_only: 'false'
      # Prevent players from using /town spawn while within unclaimed areas and/or enemy/neutral towns.
      # Allowed options: unclaimed,enemy,neutral
      prevent_town_spawn_in: enemy
      # Enables the [~Home] message.
      # If false it will make it harder for enemies to find the home block during a war
      show_town_notifications: 'true'
Статус темы:

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